~Chapter 12~

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Warning smut/ lemon🍋

Your eyes widened, your brows rose, we're going too...?  you paused. It was either that or he was completely playing you. Sebastian took his cock out from your mouth and sat up in the seat before completely grabbing your chin and trailing his hand down to your neck and grabbing it just by the slightest. 

"Get on top... if you will, master." a grin appeared on his face. You nodded and got up from the floor as he said, standing a bit embarrassed in front of him. You tried to remember your confidence and exhaled, dropping your arms at your side and finally trailed them all the way up to your loose blouse. From there you started unbuttoning your blouse, taking glaces back down at sebastian. His eyes glowed bright red, piercing deep into your skin with each glare he took staring you down. The small ruffling noise of the blouse falling off of your body and on the ground echoed the quiet room, making sebastian bite his lip from anticipation.

You were completely naked now, sebastian reached his hand out to you and gripped your thigh, he slowly ran his hand up and down while he looked up at you with a grin. "...sebastian... close your eyes for a second.." you mumbled. He nodded, "yes my lord." slowly shutting his eyels as you stared down at the floor. You took in a deep breath and stood tall. You placed both your hands on his shoulders and slowly got on top of him. The chair was pretty spacious so it was comfortable enough for you to be in this position. "My lord, remember... anytime you want." sebastian smiled, his hands held your waist.

You could feel his tip just aching against your wet entrance, practically begging to go inside it. You gently licked your fingers and slowly slid your hand down to his cock and gently stroked it from below.

You couldn't wait any longer, you slowly stuck sebastian's tip inside you, your eyes widened and you bit down your lip trying to contain your moans. He was pretty big so you had to adjust yourself onto him. You shoved your face into sebastian's shoulder as you began to slowly go down on him. "You're doing good master~" sebastian groaned. Finally having himself all the way inside you, sebastian grabbed your neck from behind and pulled you closer to him. He didn't move for a while, he just held you in his arms. Feeling his gentle grip on your neck tighten just a bit you squirmed against him in pain and pleasure. Then suddenly he moved, making you flinch and completely stuffing your face in his shoulder once again.

"...fuck." you mumbled under your breath. "Now now master... don't use such rancid words." sebastian groaned, thrusting into you a little more. Your mind suddenly went blank, you really couldn't think of anything but sebastian being inside of you. How could you not though? You started moving your hips up and down along with his paste, digging your nails into your palms and tightening them harder each time sebastian thrusted into you. You couldn't help but moan, sebastian felt so unbelievably amazing. 

The friction between you two got hotter and the clapping sounds got louder, you couldn't keep up with sebastian's movement at this point. Your moans turned into whimpers, but before you could get too loud, sebastian took his hand and covered your mouth. You gave him a small nod to say that you understand and he slowly moved his hand away from your mouth and grabbed your waist again.

"S-sebastian slower..." you whimpered. His movement got slower as you ordered, and his grip on the back of your neck loosened at the same time. You actually wanted more but you knew you couldn't keep up with his speed. Actually, it was surprising that he was so good at this whole thing, it was like he'd done this already. Except with that nun... You didn't want to think about that time again but it just happened to slip by in your mind.

You rolled your eyes to the thought, suddenly moving your hips faster which got sebastian shocked when you just told him to go slower, but from the look in his eyes he didn't mind. He's mine now... not her's   You don't usually act like this but now it suddenly took a change.

You grabbed onto sebastian hair for a bit of support, bouncing up and down more vigorously as his cock started throbbing inside of you. You looked up, you got absolutely thrown back by just the sight of sebastian's wet messed up black hair over his eyes. You didn't know he could look more attractive let alone in this state you two are in. His hands trailed across your back and slowly made their way down to your ass, squeezing it lightly. "Fuck~" you whimpered softly against his shoulder, your words dragged, whimpering more and more with each thrust. You could feel your walls tightening around sebastian's cock, your eyes started to get blurry and all you could feel was sebastian inside of you. You were definitely about to cum.

"Are... y-you close master?" sebastian whimpered just by the slightest. You nodded vigorously and shoved your face in his shoulder yet again. "I'll make it quick for you then." sebastian whispered in your ear, you could feel his smirk on your burning skin. You didn't understand what he meant but you quickly found out when he suddenly grabbed the back of your neck and rapidly thrust himself inside of you. You didn't even have time to breathe, you were a moaning and whimpering mess laying on his shoulder. "Fuck fuck fuck~" you said over and over, feeling the heat build up in your stomach, and finally cumming on sebastian's cock.

"...oh God..." you groaned, taking deep breathes and laying exhausted on sebastian's shoulder. "You did amazing master~" sebastian smiled. You couldn't even talk, all of your muscles were so sore, but it was so worth it. "Why don't we get you cleaned up huh my lord?" he whispered. "Wouldn't want you to dirty up the place, would we?~"  you nodded, and he carried you to the bathroom in secret.

The humming coming from sebastian sounded like music to your ears as he cleaned you off. You were really lucky to have someone like him, he really is one hell of a butler.

A/n: yes I said the thing ik ik and I'm proud of it too :)

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