Chapter 19~

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a/n: helluar guys 😻 ik it's been a while but I'm hereee. so much shit happening in life it's crazyyyyy | btw is like a lil filler chapter - enjoyyy

You couldn't stop thinking if this was real or not, the fact that you and Sebastian finally had something good going on was not only surprising but unbelievable. So unbelievable that you were still in bed at 10:42a.m. replaying what happened in your head. Looking at the time, you thought Sebastian had forgotten about you or that was apart of his act to 'forget' what really happened. You took in a deep breath and sat up from your bed before you flew the covers off your legs. You were about to step out of bed when suddenly comes three sharp knocks at your bedroom door.

there he is... you sighed to yourself. "Come in." you hummed then there came in sebastian through the door with a wide smile. He walks up to you with his hands behind his back but when he reached to you he took his hands and grabbed yours. He brought them up to his mouth then kissed your knuckles. "Good morning, young master~" he hummed in a tune. With your eyes wide you pulled back your hands out of shock, looking him in the eye. He looked confused for just a second then straightened his face. "What's the matter master?" You took step back and exhaled shakily almost like a sigh, "this is... real...?" He tilted his head to a side, confused, he bent over to meet your face level inches away. "What's real?" "This... us..." you stared at his lips then back at his eyes.

Sebastian paused for a second then giggled, he stood up straight then took you in his arms. With his arms around your hips he pulled you close to his body, resting your head on his chest. "You don't have to worry about that anymore, my lady, I'm here." He leaned himself forward, your faces inches away from each other, "if you accept us that is." "ofcourse." you answered almost immediately. Sebastian paused at your sudden answer then he chuckled as he leaned closer to place a kiss on your forehead and finally cupped your face, "well it's settled. I'm forever yours, my pretty master~"

An overwhelming amount of weight instantly got lifted from off of your shoulders when you heard those words, finally your mind can rest at ease after all this time. You looked up at him and smiled, taking your hands off of his back you nodded and fixed your pj's. It was like you both forgot you were now a thing, Sebastian was back to his butler role and you as a Phantomhive. You both made your way downstairs, keeping a bit of distance between each other when you finally reached the first floor. As always, he pulled out a seat at the dinning table and you sat down as you awaited your breakfast.

You couldn't help but notice Sebastian clearly flashing looks at you as he stood by your side as you ate. His gaze was intense yet you didn't mind. Every little thing you did, whether it was walk from one place to another or some small gesture for yourself, Sebastian's gaze was still on your skin. You didn't know whether it was hot or odd but yet again you were unfazed. As you were cleaning up your room out of boredom which you rarely ever do for yourself, all that was left were your pillows when you heard a knock outside your room. You turned around with one of the pillows in your hands to be met with Sebastian's head popping out from your doorframe.

His lips curved into a smile as soon as you connected the eye contact and his eyes squinted, he slowly moved his way around the door and walked toward you. As you sat your last pillow down you felt hands slither around your hips to grip your waist, he giggles from above you as one hand went on one of his. You quickly turned your head up to him in worry, "Sebastian, the others might see.." the concern in your voice made him giggle even more. "Honey... they'll be too busy to even notice us two are not around." he pulled you closer, giving you a wink.

Now with his hands on your upper back, he pulls you in and gently kisses your lips. One hand stayed on your back and the other travelled down to your shorts to hover of the top of your ass through the silk cloth of your pj's. You pushed yourself up on your tip toes only to deepen the kiss as you two tumble back as the kiss started to get more intense. "Can I... touch you more? Please, my master." Sebastian hummed through your lips. "Do whatever, just keep kissing me~" you huffed, hungry for more of his sweet lips. All he did was smirk to your words then did his do.

Sebastian's hand hovering over your ass finally grabbed it through your pj's as his lips met with your's again. "You're so sweet~" he hummed against the kiss. His hands now on your waist he lifts you up and your legs wrap around his torso to further the kiss. As he walked toward your bed the kiss only got hotter, Sebastian's hands travelled underneath your silk shirt as your nails impaled into his soft pale neck. Suddenly he sat down on the bed with his hands still underneath your shirt, softly massaging your back. All your sanity was gone at this point, you couldn't help but grab his collar and deepen the kiss.

Sebastian could tell you was getting on edge by just the way you were kissing him, he held your face then pulled back from your lips. "My my... my pretty master sure is enjoying herself~" he teased still cupping your cheeks. You tried to catch your breath, you huffed until you could speak, "yes... and I want to do so much more." He grabbed your hands before you could grab anything of his. His grin only made you more feral. "Honey... we can't do such with the door open." with his grin he tilted his head and pointed toward the widely open door.

You blinked your eyes at him then again at your bedroom door, you placed your hands on his chest to push yourself up and began walking. "I'll just close it th-" "Master!" Your heart almost dropped to the floor. Mey-rin appeared from around your door frame, she paused before looking over at Sebastian still sitting on your bed then back to you. "Master, Sebastian! There was a notice just earlier about a party the queen wanted you both to investigate." Still taken aback, you swallowed down your saliva then straightened your body. "Alright, we'll take a look at it. What time is this party?" She pulled out a piece of paper that was folded in two and opened it for you to see. "At one p.m ma'am."

"What???" you looked back at Sebastian then back at the paper. This couldn't get any worse after this, it was already twelve in the afternoon.

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