Chapter 27: Celestia

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Celestia was always known as the obedient one. The kind of girl who would bite her tongue and swallow down whatever she had to say, switching it out for a pretty smile instead. The kind of girl who would be of good use. Or more specifically, to be used.

And she had been used: by her own government, by Sombra, and now by the Dusks.

Even though Luna was the younger one of the two, she had always been the true leader of them. Only now, with Luna gone, did she realize how much she relied on her sister. But now, she had to be the one to save Luna.

They used Celestia as a figurehead, someone who had the illusion of power. She could still make basic decisions, and carried out the Dusks' orders. But everytime she tried to find a way around something, they found a way to make someone else pay. And more often than not, it resulted in a very unpleasant death.

Celestia made her way down the corridor, escorted by some guards. She had just come back from making yet another speech-they all blended into one another at this point. On the way, she passed by a room, and what sounded like Napoleon and Ebony's voices from inside.

She quickly slipped her hands into her pocket, so the guards wouldn't notice her finger glow, casting a spell to widen her distance of hearing, allowing ears to pick up on things farther away. Unfortunately, she also had to hear Nereza screaming at a guard for accidentally stepping on her foot, and Specter cracking all of his knuckles.

"Are you sure we shouldn't just kill her off?" It was Napoleon.

"Do you remember what happened to the Netherbane-Nightshade alliance? The principle is the same. You can only make the people so mad before they fight back. When Ivy Nightshade killed Phoenix Netherbane, it wasn't the guards or even the Netherbanes who caught her first. The citizens themselves went after her. If that doesn't convince you, there are currently terrible riots in the Crystal Empire. Besides, our resources are limited," Ebony replied.

"I still think we're giving her too much freedom," Napoleon growled.

"We already have guards watching her constantly, don't allow her to make any important decisions, and lock her in her room at night."

Celestia heard grinding noises, and she couldn't tell if it was Ebony sharpening her axe, or Specter crushing somebody else' bones. She didn't want to know.

"She's more powerful than the guards. And she could defeat them if she wanted, the only reason she wouldn't...would be because she's planning something else," Napoleon argued.

"Napoleon!" Ebony was raising her voice. "What more do you think we should do? Have one of us chaperone her at all times? We're limited in numbers! Don't forget we still have the Crystal Empire situation to take care of, and trips to the disputed territory in the Netherbane region!"

Celestia cringed internally when Napoleon used the sappiest voice she had ever heard, "Ebony, you look so beautiful when you discuss strategies-"


"Your intellect is enough to bring thousands of men to their knees-"

"And women," Ebony mused, still annoyed, but seemingly calmed down. "Nereza had a thing for me a few years ago. She always got flustered when I licked my axe after chopping someone's head off. Anyways, don't think you can flirt to get your way. I caught that."

Napoleon hissed angrily at that.

"Aw, don't get too upset. You did say I was intelligent, did you not?" Ebony gave a quick laugh after that.

"I still want her dead," Napoleon muttered.

"I know. And I'm sorry I yelled at you for that," Ebony apologized. "You mean well. But we would need to discuss it with the others."

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