Chapter 15: Sombra/Chrissy

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Sombra had never liked hospitals. The only reminder they brought him was pain: black eyes and broken arms and busted lips. The scars and the healing and the vulnerability that came with it. But then again, without pain, he wouldn't be where he was today.

Perhaps it was the matter of money as well. The bane of his and Jet's existence. Every trip to the clinic meant more debt. The poor sector's hospitals were ridiculously overpriced, compared to the rest of the Crystal Empire.

Just another way they exploit us, Sombra thought as he strolled along the cobblestone path.

It was his third trip to the hospital, and he wasn't proud to say that. First the bar fight. Then the assasination attempt from a few weeks ago. This time, he actually wasn't going in there on a stretcher.

It was for his hand's test results. After surviving the attempt, he had passed out after fighting the assassin, and had been taken to the hospital. The doctors had taken a closer look at his hand; running tests and doing scans.

He pushed open the pearly white building's door, and was greeted by a friendly man with hazel eyes and butterscotch yellow hair. "Hi. Sombra, right?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I've seen you in and out of here an awful lot. On a stretcher, visiting friends, being discharged..young people like you always getting yourselves into trouble!" He shook his head, but still managed a sympathetic smile. "Your appointment will take place in that room at the end of the corridor. He gestured to it and Sombra walked towards the door.

The room was sparse but well lit and tidy. He took a seat, while his stomach twisted and turned, knotting and unknotting.

His left hand dully ached, as if remembering all it had gone through. What if his hand was truly damaged? What would he be then? Would Luna still even want him? A broke, hopeless cripple? And he saw what happened to those without power. Crushed. Would he be reduced to one amongst the groveling masses? The thought was too much to-

"Hello," a middle-aged woman with mint green hair holding a clipboard smiled warmly at him. "What's your name?"

"Sombra," he answered, instantly relaxed by her calming aura.

"How have you been?" she asked him, taking a seat behind a desk, gently setting down her clipboard.

"Fine," Sombra forced out. She asked him a few more questions- "Can you just tell me my results?' Sombra inquired rather impatiently. When the smile left her eyes, he was quick to apologize. "I'm sorry, I just really need to know."

"Um....of course." She gulped and stared down at her papers, clearly unsure how to start.

This can't be good.

"So...about your hand, we ran a bunch of tests....and...we've done some surgeries-"

"Can you please just get on with it?!" Sombra was desperate at this point. He couldn't wait. Not with so much on the line.

She inhaled sharply, her brow creasing as she did. "You won't be able to do magic anymore. Too much internal damage was done," she admitted, before covering her mouth with a hand as if regretting what she had said.

The blow almost knocked the wind out of his chest. Bang. There it was. The cold hard truth. It was a good thing he was sitting down, otherwise he would have collapsed. His passion, gone.

"But....but...the surgeries!"

"I'm sorry. They tried everything they could, but the damage wasn't just external, it was internal and maybe if it was treated earlier, or if you hadn't strained your hand a few weeks ago-"

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