Chapter 11: Sombra

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The Duskan Youth Massacre was one of the most barbarous massacres in Equestrian history. Ten soldiers made it out alive. If walking corpses with eyes almost devoid of emotion could be considered that.

Hopelessly scarred, damaged and broken. No one could explain the horrors of the massacre.

To say Sombra was surprised when both Luna and Jet emerged, bloodied and bruised was an understatement. How could he describe the emotions he felt? Relief that they were back. Gratitude, knowing how slim the odds were. Complete and utter sadness, for all the other grief-stricken faces of citizens around him.

And rage, rage! Rage for what the Dusks had inflicted upon his friend and his brother. He couldn't imagine what they had suffered, and would suffer in the future.

But most of all, despair. Yes, he knew the whole war effort had been kind of pointless. Though a part of him had hoped, and maybe even believed, that they could've stood a chance against the Dusks.

All hope was lost because Luna had dared to challenge their quest for total domination. Elvira would come for them next. And this time, she would have no mercy.

After spending years in libraries, he had read about the Dusks and their torture methods. The Cruciatu was a series of tortures that took place for 50 days. Sometimes, it was physical. Sometimes, it was humiliation. And sometimes, it was psychological.

Each day held a different horror. And they were famous for using it exclusively upon their captured prisoners of war.

One of the leaders of the Great War, a man named Nox,had been forced to slit his own throat by the points of his crown. Another, Aurora, had had her former throne painted in her blood, and decorated with her bones.

He couldn't imagine that happening to his best friend. Luna didn't deserve it. Celestia didn't either. Maybe they were being too hard on Amore as well.

No, a part of him chided. She ruined your childhood. Not just yours. So many other peoples suffered because of her. And she knew it. That bitch knew it, yet she turned a blind eye.

"Um, excuse me, my lord?" A timid voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

He turned from the window to see a petite servant girl, with eyes resembling that of a doe.

"Yes?" Sombra asked. When he saw the way she inclined his head to him, and the way she looked at him with fear, he felt strangely....satisfied. He liked the way all the servants in the castle bowed to him, treated him with respect, and the way some of them eyed him warily.

That's what being the right hand man to a princess gets you, he thought. Power. Now he knew how Luna felt. She also enjoyed it. But like him, she was ambitious and wanted more. Yet how could she not see what she already had? So what if her sister outshined her? She still had power. She still had authority.

"There's someone here who wants to see you," the servant girl said, gesturing to the door.

The girl's amber eyes seemed to stare right through him, austere and penetrating. She held the skirts of her long, ice blue dress in one hand, and a book in the other.


Evangelista seemed to glide across the hallway, finally dipping into a graceful curtsy.

"What brings you here?" Sombra asked her.

"We are friends," she answered simply. "I assume friends check in on each other, do they not? And in times like this, it is ever so important."

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