Chapter 4: Sombra

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"Do you fear death?"

Sombra looked up from his book. He and Luna had been reading in silence for the past few minutes, one's presence enough to keep the other satisfied. He shook his head.

"No, it's part of life. When I do go, it'll be the right time," Sombra answered.

"What makes you say that?" Luna asked him.

"I believe everyone was born into the world for a reason. Why would people who serve no purpose be created? All they would be would be a waste of space and oxygen. The gods up above aren't stupid enough to create useless beings," Sombra replied.

"But what if not everybody has a purpose?"

"I'm sure everybody does. Once everyone fulfills their purpose here, they leave, as they are no longer needed," Sombra continued.

"But if a parents' job is to take care of their children, why would they leave a 5 year old and a 10 year old to die?" Luna spat.

"I'm sorry," Sombra apologized.

Luna sighed, shaking her head. "It's fine. I'm just bitter. The Great War took my parents away from me. Those damn vampire bastards ruined my life, nearly destroyed our kingdom, then attack us again when we're already down, 20 years later!"


"We could go to war any minute now! The Dusks still hold the Crystal Empire, but things are peaceful there. They threatened to obliterate the empire if we attack, and we rely extremely heavily on it. If we attacked, we'd lose. They're all trained killers from birth. I just wish I had parents to help me through this, you know?" Luna asked.

"Yeah. My parents left me as well. It was just me and Jet against the world. A messed up, messed up world." Sombra gritted his teeth at the thought. "If only my father kept his hands off his liquor and my mother kept her hands off guys. At least yours were dead. Mine dumped Jet and I in a crappy orphanage when I was 9."

"It wasn't easy for me either! Me and Tia were the last goddesses not killed in the War, so we were whisked away to become rulers whether we wanted to or not, as the most powerful. My childhood was taken away from me! Soon enough, I'll be married off to some greedy king who doesn't even love me," Luna seethed, years of concealed rage bubbling up.

"At least you get to suffer in luxury ! I could barely find a decent meal every night!" Sombra argued. How could Luna not see how fortunate she was?

"Don't compare my life to yours! We've both been through trauma! We're scarred and broken. Let's accept it and not have a competition of whose life is more of a hell-hole," Luna reasoned, folding her arms across her chest.

Sombra exhaled slowly. Doing this calmed him down. "You're right," he agreed. "But we can have a competition about the best reasons to hate Amore."

"She's a bitch! Surely that beats all!" Luna exclaimed.

Sombra laughed. "The best. And it's self-explanatory. Once she actually picked a coin out of a homeless person's bag so she could go buy some cheap earrings. Jet found them in a dumpster the next day and we actually had a 2 good meals!"

Luna rolled her eyes in disgust. "I hate people who do those kinds of things."

"And this is why I didn't go to the Crystal Empire ball. I swear I'd kill myself if I had to endure her prescence for one minute," Sombra commented.

"Well I had to for a full day," Luna sighed.

For 30 more minutes, they just read in pure silence, side by side.

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