
103 29 9

P O E M || 0 6

She is alone,
Always stays in her room,
 and she calls it her safe zone
Just to hide the fact, she is lonely

Sometime wonders if she is only,

who need a mother fairy,
to shield her.
She needs someone, who can love her truly.

She hides behind her feeling.

And try to ignore that,
She is dying inside slowly
She is hurt but won't show it.
She is screaming but is un audible.
She is in pain but is still wearing a smile on her lips
She ain't sleeping peacefully anymore

Its just an escape form reality for her now

She is stressed and confused
Her life is fucked up mess,
She keeps all of her emotions to herself
She has the so called "best friends"
She has the "best family" in the world

who never saw the real her,

She is misunderstood and lonely
She is suicidal, wishes she wasn't born
She wishes to die, but still stays alive
for someone who made her promised the she 'll make it.
All she want is to be five again.

She doesn't know which theory god has implied 

In her life,
She knows she is walking' on line
of her life and death.

She wanna jump in but she didn't.

divi xx

𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐭 ➵poetry ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now