Story of very smiling girl

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 P O E M || 0 2

Tears roll down her pretty face.
Its been too long,
She is trying to deal all by herself.

She knew, nothing 'll be fine ever;
Maybe it will but, she won't be here to witness.
She  is aware,
she can't keep pretending to be brave,
and hide that she is lost in darkness's wave.

She is just a innocent soul,
caged in adult's body.
In this cruel world.
All she want is to be free, 

Wanna have wings just like her nana had,
And fly high, in the blue sky.

She doesn't seems to find any reason to stay,
where she had nobody to lean on.
Her mother doesn't give a damn,
 about what she is going through
She had a brother, who doesn't love her a bit
It really doesn't matter;
Her father, is someone who she never knew,

She wishes, she had a sister maybe then she can be her rock
But luck wasn't her, she never had one
She doesn't have any good friends at school or at tuitions

They are just few people,
who only need her, when they are bored
All her life, she learn how to be alone,
She know no one will notice
If she isn't here
She knows she will be better above the clouds.

That's when she heard,
 a loud knock
She wipes those tears, put a brightest smile
and get ready to tell her favorite lie,
that she is fine
Nobody will ever know the pain she is in.

This is  a story of a very smiling girl.

- divi xx

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