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"Kimchi your smiling!"

"What no!?" Jisoo replied shaking her head, 'no! I can be smiling; they will use me again! I have to leave from here!' with that Jisoo took her things and dashed out of the cafeteria. "How much ever she lies, we know that she will come back to our old Chu," V said.


'OH MY GOD! They caught me smiling, what will I do? I can't be weak; I have to stay rude and stay away from that Jimin guy! I hate doing this to Kookie and Tae, but the only way to stay away from danger is changing my attitude!' I better go home now.

I reached home, I threw myself on the couch I normally feel good, after school, I just wear comfy clothes and sit and watch TV and forget about all the shitty stuff, when the boys come, I normally just ignore them, but today was different I felt incomplete, I wanted to talk my feelings out "what is happening to me!", "We also want the answer to the same question" Tae said coming from the front door with Jungkook "what's happening Noona? We want our old Jisoo back!", "chu I know you're still in shock, but it's hard for us to see you like this" he sounded desperate. 'I am a bad friend; they were always by my side I just left them hanging! I never cared about what they were going through because of me, I am so selfish!' 'Bad friend' 'selfish' 'bad friend' 'selfish' 'selfish!' the words were going around my head I don't feel good, my hands are shivering, I was not able to breathe properly, my head is spinning, just 'bad friend' and 'selfish' were the only two words I could hear. My eyes were tearing up, I could hear my friends calling me out, I felt like I was drowning in pain and regret, I could not hear properly, I felt like I was dying and everything went black.

"Noona!" Jungkook cried "Jisoo look at me, breathe," Taehyung asked Jisoo he was trying his level best to calm down because he can't panic, he is the eldest here he has to take responsibility. "I can't," she said weakly, this was the weakest they had seen Jisoo. And she fainted, Taehyung now lost it, he also started crying he became weak, Jisoo was their weakness. "Shit, Hyung help me!" Jungkook cried he carried Jisoo to take her to the hospital. "Hyung get up! You can't be weak; we have to take her to the hospital to save her!" Jungkook is now yelling at his Hyung, he also is too weak to handle this situation. "I-I am scared... I don't want to lose Chu..." he was weak very weak "HYUNG IF U ACT WEAK NOW, WE WILL LOSE HER...please help me please" he cried and pleaded his was voice was not even heard at the last word. "You know what I am leaving, you wait here and cry! If anything happens to Noona you're at fault!" with that Jungkook ran outside the house carrying his Noona safely in his hands. He opened his car's door placed her safely and ran to the driver's seat and started driving fast. They lived pretty far from the city, so the drive will be long. "I can't do this alone, Tae Hyung is not with me, and I can't even call eomma and appa they will freak out!", "wait!", he quickly took his phone with one hand while the other was driving. He dialed a no. "Hyung! Help me I need your help; I am going to the hospital can you come?" tears were still continuously flowing from his eye. "Jungkook? What the hell happened and hospital?", "Jimin Hyung please come I can't stay there alone!" he sobs, "I will come, send me the address" with that he cut the call. "Noona, I will protect you," he said as he continued to drive to the hospital.

The moment he entered the hospital, nurses and doctors surrounded Jisoo and took her to the VIP section, because there is no way the only daughter of the Kim's will be treated low. Jungkook was waiting outside the room, feeling very scared? worried? angry? sad? nervous? Even he did not know. He just wanted to lock himself and cry but because Tae Hyung is also weak right now, he has to take responsibility. "Jungkook!" Jimin shouted to get the boy's attention who was in deep thoughts. "Hyung! N-Noona..." he could not continue his sentence his emotions took over him he started crying which made Jimin startled. "Jungkook let me what's wrong?" he asked trying to calm the crying boy. "Something happened to Noona-a........ and I-I had to call you-u because Tae Hyung was s-shocked.....he could not move, and I needed to take...Noona!" he was a crying mess he could not even form his sentences, Jimin pitied Jungkook's state right now. 'That girl really is someone who Jungkook treasures' "It's alright the doctors will do their job and your Noona will be alright, I am glad you called me, or else you would have to deal with this alone!" he said but Jungkook did not reply anything he was just staring blankly at the door.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called out as he ran towards us, "how is Jisoo?" he asked panting trying to catch his breath, "why do you want to know? You could have just sat at home being weak!" Jungkook hissed both Jimin and V were shocked at his attitude 'I am sorry Hyung I am not in my right mind' Jungkook thought "Tae can I talk to you?" Jimin asked and he nodded. "What happened?" "I don't know Jimin we can me home and we heard Jisoo saying "what is happening to me!" to herself, then she just started acting weird and she fainted, I wanted to help but I was too shocked I could not move a limb, and now Jungkook is mad at me, he has all the rights to be mad he needed me that time but I was too weak." He explained and Jimin just nodded.

"Family of Ms. Kim Jisoo?" one of the nurses called, "yes!" Tae and Jungkook said at the same time. "Is she alright?" "Can she talk" "is she awake?" "If anything happens to her, I will ensure to sue this hospital!" "Can she walk?" "What happened to her?" "it's not a big disease, right?" and the boy boys kept throwing questions at the poor nurse who looked lost. "I am sorry miss; you can tell me about Jisoo's health" Jimin interfered before the boys scare the nurse more. "umm...yeah!" she said "she is unconscious now, and her doctor wants to meet her family, is anyone of you her relatives? "Yes! Me! I am her cousin!" Tae shouted "and me I am her brother!" Jungkook added and both Jimin and Taehyung gave Jungkook a 'WTF' look, Jungkook just rolled his eye and headed to the doctor's cabin, "you're not coming?" he asked Tae, "yeah!" he said and looked at Jimin "I will wait, here you both go" Jimin smiled at him and he smiled back.

  'Jungkook sure can change his attitude when the topic is about Jisoo'



sorry for the late update...

maybe in the next chapter, I will introduce the BTS members

Till then, Stay tuned!

Borahae! 💜



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