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It was around midnight, and Jisoo has been tossing around her bed trying to get sleep. "Aish! I am not getting sleep at all, curse the coffee I drank" she hissed in annoyance, Jisoo wanted to go to Jungkook or Tae's room but she realized the maknae line was having a sleepover tonight. "I don't even feel like reading a book, maybe..." she jumped off her bed wearing her sweats and headed to her second comfort room. She walks downstairs but before she heads to the studio, she goes to the kitchen and gets some snacks for herself because she knows if she gets in the studio it is going to take time for her to let herself come out.

She entered the studio and did not bother to on the light, she prefers to work on music in the dark with only the light from her computer emitting on her. She goes towards the computer desk without getting hit anywhere even though it was dark because she knows the place so very well. "Huh? Weird where is the chair?" she spoke out and moves her hand around to search for the chair, her hand comes in contact with the cushion of the chair and she pulls the pulls it towards herself "when did the chair get so heavy!" she grunts as she successfully gets the chair and sits on it "oh no..." her eyes widened when she feels sitting on something warm and squishy 'a cushion does not feel this way'. She moved her hands towards the thing she is sitting on, 'hair?' she thought as she strokes the hair-like thing, and her hands go lower 'nose? Lips?' she tries to guess what she is touching "Tannie??" she asked out 'what are you thinking Jisoo, Tannie is small and it does not feel like a dog, it feels like a human' then it clicked it's a freaking human she is sitting on. "J-Jungkook?" she wished it was him but no response and then she even realized the position she and that man is sitting on "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" she screamed her lungs out waking the man underneath her, feeling the presence of a girl on his lap he also yelped now both of them were screaming looking at each other "YOONGI?!" Jisoo asked shouting "JISOO!?" Yoongi asked back, knowing it was not a robber she was not sitting on she relaxed and hugged him while he was shook and blushing madly because of the intimidating position they were in, Jisoo was sitting on his lap with her hand engulfing him tight into her warmth, his hands were on her hips and her face buried into his neck, he could feel her warm breath on his neck tickling him. "J-Jisoo?" he called out "Huh?" and she realized how they were sitting "Oh my! I am sorry! God, I really did not mean it, I came to work on music and I sat on you! I really did not want things to end up this way!" she kept apologizing with an extremely red face, he could just chuckle at her cuteness "it's okay Jisoo, I know you did not mean it" he smiled at her and she sighed in relief "I really am sorry," she said walking towards the couch to calm herself down but no, she slipped backward pulling Yoongi with her and as a reflex, he helps her tight ensuring they don't fall, now he was on top of her and their faces are really close to each other "oh my I am sorry again!" she yelled, he got off her and helped her up. They looked at each other and then started laughing "gosh! We are so stupid!" Jisoo said between her laugh "I know right?" he laughed out.

"So, what are you doing here?" Jisoo asked "Just music" he shrugged "you make music, right? I saw some files and when I checked the name it was just written 'Kjs' it means 'Kim Jisoo' right?" he asked "yea, just for time pass, it's not that great" she smiled "not great? I heard all the music you made and your voice it's so deep, I Love it!" he beamed "aww...thank you" she shyly smiled "and I am sorry, I might have read your lyrics too" he put her head down in shame "its fine! Anyways I am not going to do anything with these songs" she reasoned out "I heard even you love composing and writing?" she changed the topic from her to him "'s like a hobby" he smiled "and I never knew Jungkook and Tae had such good voice! When I heard some of your pieces, I was impressed to be honest" he said with a genuine voice "I know right! I always tell them to do music but they are too shy" she sighed "I even like all the messages you give out in the music" he added "'re fanboying now!" she teased and he was blushing hard "you know if you like them so much, you can take it anyways I am not going to do anything with them" she shrugged "what no! that likes stealing what you belong" he refused "no...when I give it to you it's not stealing, and I am sure you will make a better use of it" she reasoned and he hesitated to accept it. "Jisoo? Would you mind working with on some music with me?" he asked, "Sure! Why not?" she beamed "tomorrow 3" she and he nodded "and I am going to sleep, I remembered tomorrow morning I have a meeting" she said and took the snacks gave it to him and left "yepota" he mumbled blushing as she left. 

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