Kookies? Cookies and cream

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"who is Kookie?"

They panicked, eyes wide, lips parted with no noise coming out. "I don't know?" "Cookie?...you mean the cookie you dip in milk and eat?" Jin asked slightly laughing "we don't have cookies here, but I will buy some!" Jimin said laughing dryly, they looked scared? Worried? Nervous? Sad? Awkward?
She did not know, but she knew they were lying.

In between all the awkward commotion, there was one person who was frozen, not moving- numb, Jungkook. He was staring at her who was trying to understand what the boys were telling, he listening to the boys making excuses, he was watching the woman who he fell in love with, he was seeing how she forgot the name she gave him.
It hurt him so much, his world was falling.
He knew that the 'if' factor is in the past and he can't change it, At this moment he did not even care he was begging internally, begging for things to change, begging for things to get better, begging for the past to change.

One last glance at the scene he took a step back, he ran, he ran to his safe spot, he locked himself in the vsookook room, the dim light in the room with pictures of the past and them together made him feel a bit better, but the present reality stung.

"Where is Jungkook?" Jimin whispered to Taehyung "I don't know, I saw him running out of the room" he answered whispering "you should be with him" he said and Tae sighed heavily after Jisoo left the two grew apart, Jungkook kept blaming himself and Tae did not know who to blame Jungkook? Jisoo? or himself?

A knock on the door woke Jungkook up "it's me" he heard a muffled voice from the other side, he instantly knew the owner of the voice "forget it, I am coming it" Tae said and walked inside and took a seat next to his best friend.

"How are you?" he asked "hang in" the younger answered "you?" "same" and they sighed "she does not remember me at all, like how can she even forget the name she made!" he blurted out "I knew that was coming" Tae exclaimed and he continued "to make you feel any better, she does not remember anyone, not even me," he said pointing his finger to himself, it made Jungkook realize that he was not the only one suffering, everyone who loved was. "Hyung, even if she remembers...will she love me?" Jungkook asked sniffing in the tears thinking about the situation he never wants to be in "to be honest, I don't know" he answered looking down "Jungkook but whatever happens, don't blame it on you and let your emotions out, not like last time" he said and memories flashed in Jungkook's mind, he remembers him blaming himself, hating himself, breaking himself. He knew his Hyungs had a hard time getting him back to life, but they're is still a part of him hating, blaming, and breaking.

"I am already broken, I don't think I can break anymore"

He said now looking at his Hyung who had a sad smile written on his face. "whatever it is, we are going to ensure she remembers" he said "what?" "Just what I said, and come out soon" with that Tae got up patted his clean pants, and walked out.


Jisoo patted her clean pants and walked out of the house, with Jimin and Hobi, the trio were going to the park for an evening walk. "wah! It's so pretty here!" Jisoo beamed looking around as they walked.

"Is that Jisoo?" "omo she is back!" "I heard she is the CEO now" "is she dating Jungkook?" "I thought she ran away because of him" there were whispers heard from a small group of girls gossiping as they saw Jisoo "do they know me?" she asked after hearing her name "of course they know you, you are the CEO of the Kim company" Hobi answered being like 'duh!' "oh...that nice" she smiled and they smiled back.

"let's get ice cream!" Jimin chirped "my treat!" Jisoo said and walked to get ice cream, 'some things never change' Jimin thought smiling at her buy the cold sweet, both of their minds went to the time all of them came to park and she bought ice cream for them, but the only difference is that, that time she knew them and loved them, and now she does not remember them, that time she ended up in the hospital and this time they will ensure nothing like that will happen again.
"over here!" Jisoo said waving her hand to get their attention "coming!" they answered in unison and ran towards her.

She was them running to her with a smile on their face, but then she felt something wrong, she got a glimpse, it was blurry but she could make out, five men running to a girl with fear written on their face, the girl she was crying, she looked sick. And then she ran, and then a car.....it hit her. And all went black

The two ran towards her with a smile on their face which vanished seeing her expression change, and then she fell down. "Jisoo!" "JISOO?!" they yelled as they reached her, she was crying they could see the tears falling on her pale cheeks and her hand was trembling "Jisoo, sweety what happened?" Hobi cupped her face with his hands making her look at him "it's just...ah!" she held her head "Come on let's get you home!" Jimin said trying his best not to panic, they stood on both her sides giving her support and they walked to the car.

Jin ran to the car that just arrived, the boys called him and told him what happened "I am seriously never going to that park again, something bad always happens when we go there" Jimin mumbled looking at Jisoo "Jisoo? Are you okay? What happened?!" Jin cried as the door opened "it's nothing Oppa, I got a bad headache" she sighed "I want to sleep" she said "sure, I will get you some painkillers and the. You can sleep" he said and she nodded lightly as the boys took her to the room.

"Oppa I don't know why but I feel like I have been in that park before and many things," she said being a bit embarrassed about it, for her, of course, it will be silly but for Jin it was happy that's she is remembering but also sad thinking about that day.

"you know, I saw this girl....yeah, she...I don't know, she was sad or crying...crying I think, there was a group of boys and they ran to her, but a car...a car it hit her" she said thinking about it through her headache.
"Jisoo I think you should sleep, stop thinking about it and go sleep, you need rest," he said and came out of the room

"well, I need to call Jungkook!" 

✓ 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷  𝚈𝙾𝚄 ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵉᵗᵉᵈWhere stories live. Discover now