Find him in your memories

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"well, I need to call Jungkook!"

"Why did you call me this late Hyung!" a very sleepy Jungkook whined with closed eyes and pouted lips "aish, stop being a baby and listen to me," Jin said messaging his temples "but I am a baby!" he cooed "what am I going to do with you?" he sighed while the other five boys rolled their eyes.

"Jungkook focus" Namjoon voiced out sternly "she is starting to remember," Tae said "to what I know, she is getting glimpsed of few events" Jimin spoke, "Chu told me that she remembered about the accident, but the thing is she does not remember that it is her in the scene" Jin added "even about 'kookie'" Hobi said and they nodded and silence fell "so she is getting her memories back?" Jungkook asked still trying his best to keep his eyes open "Great job, your officially the last person to come to that conclusion" Suga rolled his eyes at the maknaes dumbness.

"Our mission from now will be to get her memories back" Namjoon concluded "yes" they answered in unison. And the group dispersed to their room,
"Guys?" Jungkook's voice piped through the pitch-black darkness "omo, I forgot to take you to your room!" Jin exclaimed and guided the sleepy bunny to his room.


"Oppa this place is so beautiful!" Jisoo beamed looking around the place "I know right, it's beautiful and a very good place to read" he smiled sitting on the rock looking at her admire the beauty of the place. Namjoon bought Jisoo to the hideout, it might help her memories trigger back, "wow, it's the first time I came here but I feel like I have known this place for years!" she giggled and sat next to the man, "what are you reading?" "Nothing, I am out of books so just re-readings some of my old books" he answered "I love reading but none of the books can win over my love for hamlet," she said gesturing with her hands "I know you love hamlet" he absentmindedly said "what?" "Nothing!" he nervously said and went back to reading.


"Nothing!" he nervously said and went back to tuning his guitar "seriously you boys are weird" Jisoo mumbled and went back to hearing their new music, which was composed by Suga "damn Yoongi, you are so good at it!" Jisoo praised as she bopped her head to the beats "of course Hyung is amazing!" Jimin smiled. Jisoo, Yoongi, and Jimin were in the studio room, just playing around and listening to music, everything was going smoothly until Jisoo's eye caught the lyric sheet of 'still with you',
I know this, let me rephrase that, I think I have seen this somewhere
"Oppa? What is this?" she asked he looked at the sheets in her hands, she thought he would be a bit hesitant but he stayed calm, oddly calm "that was a song written by our Chu for Jungkook" he replied dryly, but his eyes, his eyes were searching for something at least a hint of anything from Jisoo but she just mere shrugged it off.


She shrugged her shoulder smirking at the man "I am always up for challenges" she said "me too, so 3 rounds, one winner, and one price" Hoseok told the rules and she nodded. The duo are doing a dance challenge in the dance right now after Jisoo realized Hobi was a good dancer, and she would never miss a chance to show off her moves.
"aye! You're so good!" Jisoo beamed "it's nothing like that" he blushed at the compliment "so what do you want as your prize?" she tilted her head cutely 'I want you to remember everything was what he wanted to say but instead "no its fine, forget it...I don't want anything," he said "buts that's not fair, you have to say something!" she insisted but he kept declining the offer. Then suddenly a scene flashed in her mind, two people dancing, laughing, having the time of their life, one of them won and the other brought him "hamburger and sprite" she whispered and he smiled.


He smiled, looking at her playing with the dogs "Tae, see I told you before Dalgom love me!" she giggled "Dalgomie! Haha! Its tickles! You're cute!" she exclaimed playing with the dog. "oh Tannie! Come here!" Jisoo waved her hand to get the dog's attention, BOW! It barked happily waving its tale he ran towards the pair. "this red scarf" Jisoo started playing with it, while Tae's heart started beating faster thinking she will remember "both of them have it, it's cute!" she smiled and he sighed "yeah" he answered dryly.

When will you remember Chu? When will you remember the laughter, the tears, the jokes, the happiness, the sadness we shared once before? I know you're not at fault, but it breaks me, breaks all of us to see you so clueless. I know it's fine to feel blue and grey sometimes, but it's not fine to feel it always, now it's like my life is blue and grey, colorless and gloomy. Come back to me, bring back the colours you took away, paint me, melt me, I'm cold.

I just wanna be happier

I've reached out my hand countless times

The echo is colourless

I am singing by myself

I just wanna be happier

Am I being too greedy? Maybe I am...I always saw Jungkook wishing that things were different, but now I am doing it myself, wishing for the past to change, I know the past won't change but, the thought of it changing gives me a bit of the courage to face another day, to fight for you. It's stupid I know, but you always said stupidity is us.


"Oppa, it might sound stupid but I want to talk to you," Jisoo said nervously fidgeting with her shirt, she stood leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen and he chuckled at her cuteness "you always talk to me Jisoo, and I am sure it's not stupid" he gave a warm smile. Jin shut the stove off and walked to the dining table to sit, and gestured her to do the same. "what is bothering you dear?" he asked with a motherly tone to which she smiled lightly.
"Oppa, I know I lost my memories and it was my decision not to know about my past...I never regret it but now I am starting to..." she sighed the tone went lower every second almost whispering at the end "why do you regret?" he asked which made her feel so small "I don't know" she toned down and he sighed "you know what, let's start from the beginning" he gave an accursing smiled "okay" she took a deeply inhaled and continued,

"One day I woke up, I realized I was at the hospital, the first thing I felt was nothing, actually nothing, I was blank, numb and I was clueless.
there were these boys who came and greeted me with flowers, chocolates and lots of love. And the funny part was I did not even know who they were, of course, I recognized Eomma and Appa. As much as I loved all of their company, something was missing.
I asked them, and they told me that I lost my memories and the reason, that my body did not accept my mind to think about all the things that made me and sad and depressed, it just blocked away the memory of anything that has brought my mood down. Sehun, told me that they can tell me about my past, he told me I deserved to know but I did not want to know about it, I knew it was a sad memory, call me a coward to not face my fear but I did not want to, I knew even with all the sad memories I would even forget few important things but I just wanted to make new memories only filled with happiness and that's what I did.

I really never regret it, until I reached Korea. I know that all your boys are someone important to me, I don't whether you were the reason I was hurt, but I don't care. Was I close to you? Was I in love with any one of you? did I forget something important? Can you please tell me?" she cried, crying hard at the end on his shoulder with his comforting her in every way possible.

"It's not your mistake you don't remember, I will always be there to support you. The answers to your question only you can find, but one thing you are very, very precious to us. I don't want to tell you about your past but I want you to find yourself in your memories and also him, he loved and still loves you and I am sure you also love him, it's my mother's instincts but find yourself and find him in your memories." He said caressing her hair, I hope you sort things out soon and you come back to us.

Weeks passed since the boys started to try to get her memories back, but it was not quite successful, the more time the took to remember things the more was Jungkook breaking. It was a discussed agreement that they will not force her to remember and will only show her the way and hints for her to find it out, but nothing worked she was getting tired of the random scenes popping in her mind and the boys were getting less patient.

"Hyung let me take her somewhere"

✓ 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷  𝚈𝙾𝚄 ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵉᵗᵉᵈWhere stories live. Discover now