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Jisoo, Jungkook, and Taehyung now are getting ready to go back home. The Doctor advised them to stay in the hospital for a few days to check on Jisoo, and so that the boys can learn how to handle Jisoo if she gets another attack. Jungkook and Taehyung learned how to make her breath when she is hit by an attack, how to distract her from the attack so that she gets out of it, and all the precautions and medications.

Now the trio are heading back home, "Noona, you okay, right?" Jungkook asked the brunette who was looking outside the window, admiring the scenery, she turned toward him and gave a heart-filled smile, "yes kookie, I am all good" she said with the sweetest tone. "Good, if anything bothers you tell us" Tae added, she nodded and put her attention back to the road. 'She is really changing!', 'we just have to be a bit more patient' they both thought and smiled. 'I hate hurting you both, I am sorry' she thought. They arrived home, Tae helped Jisoo to her room while Jungkook bought the luggage from the car.

It was already night; they took bath finished the dinner the maknae made for them. "Chu, you go sleep, I and Jungkook have some work", "okay Tae, good night both of you idiots!" "Good night our pretty Sooya!" they cooed, she rolled her eyes playfully and left them. "what's the work Hyung?" he asked the older with a lack of interest in his voice, Jungkook was lying on the sofa trying to relax after all the running and worrying in the hospital. "I think we should call Eomma and tell her about Jisoo's change in character?" Tae asked "I don't know Hyung, do you think it is too early?" he now got up from laying and sat straight, "she is changing, but I think we should wait...right?" and the younger just nodded.


I after talking to Hyung went to my room, I changed into my sweats and was about to go to sleep when, "Kookie-ah I don't feel like sleeping alone, can we both go sleep with Tae?" Noona was standing behind me clutching the back of my shirt and her head was leaning on my shoulder, all I could do was smile. It was the same as before she would always come to my room and we would either cuddle in my bed or we would go to Hyung's and sleep in his bed. "Sure! looks like my Kimchi is scared!" she did not do anything, she just stayed in the same position, clutching my shirt tighter. 'Normally she would smack me for teasing, but now*sigh*' "let's go?" I could feel her nod slightly at the back.


"Omo! Jungkook and... Chu, what are you doing here?" V asked seeing Jungkook entering his room, with a small body standing behind him, clinging to his shirt. "Ah! A person came to my room, I think he or she was scared of sleeping alone so we came here? Right Jisoo?" he teased her, "well if she...or he is scared I will allow them to sleep with me" V continued going with the flow. Jisoo was blushing in embarrassment, she knew the boys were teasing her but she did not have the strength to argue. "Noona? Are you gonna stay clinging to me? not that I don't like it...just you need to sleep, you need rest" "oh...ah! I am sorry" she said in a very low voice and moved back but she tripped on Yeontan's dog seat. Before her body touched the ground two strong hands crawled to her waist, held her tightly his grip was strong yet gentle. He carried her to the bed and made her lay down very carefully, she was like a fragile vase for him. "Sooya! You should be more careful, where were you looking! You would have got hurt and you would have destroyed my Tannie's limited addiction "Gucci" dog seat" Tae said while removing his hands from her waist after making her comfortable in the bed. "I-I I am sorry" she again apologized, Tae's eyes softened "Chu, don't say sorry we were just playing!" "Yea, Noona you never say "sorry", sorry was a word that was never in your dictionary." Jungkook added "I am sorry Jungkook and Taehyun-" before she could continue "WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD DID YOU CALL US?" Jungkook screamed in disbelief. She never called the boys by their name, she always made nicknames for them, her reason was that their names were too long to say and because she loved them too very much. She was the type of person who always made friends and gives them nicknames, but it all changed. "Kook, stop screaming!" Tae trying to stop the fuming bunny boy. For Jungkook, the name 'kookie' was given was Jisoo, only Jisoo and Tae could call him with that name. He is very attached to the name, and he is used to the fact that Jisoo always called him 'kookie'. When he heard Jisoo calling him with his real name, he felt he was far away from her, he felt the lack of love. "No! I won't let this pass, I am sorry but for" He was sad, a warm, salty liquid streamed down his cheeks, he could not continue his sentence. He sat at the edge of the bed, head hung low, sniffing a bit. Tae looked at his younger brother with a broken heart, he also could not do anything. They thought she was changing, they bought their hopes up, but it just fell down faster than the speed of light. Tae looked at Jisoo; she also has tears filled in her eyes which were threatening to fall any second. She knew she hurt them, she hated herself for it. Her eyes fell on Tae's, he gestured her to console the broken boy, only she could do it.

Jungkook was trying to control his tears, he hated to cry in front of Jisoo but a pair of soft, fragile, and small arms circled around his neck, pulling him in her embrace. They both inhaled each other's scent, he snuggled close to her and she hugged him tighter. But she broke out from the hug, she turned back and gestured her other best friend to come in. Tae did not even take a minute to jump into the bed and cuddle with his two best humans. All the three missed this feeling, the feeling of love, joy, and safety. They now are lying down cuddling on the bed, they are wide awake but their eyes are closed, they want to cherish the moment. "I am sorry, Kookie and Tae, really" she broke the silence, she was replied with groans, she lifted her neck to look at the boys, blinking innocently not knowing why are they annoyed "yah! You never have to say sorry" Tae said hugging her tightly, she was giggling because Tae was secretly tickling her tickle spot. Her giggles were music for the boys.

"Silence" was the only thing present in the atmosphere, it was not awkward, it was the most comfortable and enjoyable silence. The silence was the way they communicated with each other; it was the way they should that they enjoyed the moment. 

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