Change in us

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Like that the night passed by and morning came. Normally mornings should be peaceful, with birds chirping, the smell of coffee but in the Kim's household there was a huge thud noise, the smell of smoke and it was definitely not peaceful. The reason? Kim Jisoo was in the kitchen. She woke up early today and she wanted to thank the boys so she decided to cook for the boys, not that she was bad at cooking just that she never had been in the kitchen and she was clumsy. She decided to make pancakes, but while trying to reach the bowl on the top cabinet, it fell down to cause a loud, unpleasant noise 'curse my short legs!'. Because of the noise, Taehyung jumped up from the bed, thinking it was an earthquake, and in the process, he pushed the poor bunny who was sleeping down the bed "Ahh! What the hell Hyung!" he said in his morning voice quite annoyed because he disturbed his dream, that to his dream with Lisa! "There is an earthquake" Tae shouted like a 7yr old running around the room, "sure there, no wonder the place is not moving" he sarcastically said while rubbing his butt to reduce the pain. "Ani! I am not lying I heard a huge noise, an-" "wait! where is Kimchi?" Jungkook cut him off "omg! I am sure it's because of the earthquake, maybe aliens took her!" Tae eyes widened; he was beyond shocked by what he said "aish! Hyung you and your weird theories, and only alien here is you, now where is Noona?!" that moment they could smell smoke and a loud scream from a girl, who was none other than Jisoo. "God! Don't tell me she is in the kitchen!" Jungkook prayed while running down to the kitchen followed by Taehyung who was prayed to see his alien friends in the kitchen.

The sight the saw in the kitchen was not bad but not good. It was funny, Jisoo was covered in flour with her hands folded and she has a pout on her face that makes her so adorably cute. "What happened flour-covered princess?" Jungkook asked trying not to laugh, "Aww...look at you!" Tae cooed at her, pinching her cheeks like she was a little baby, "yah! I am not a baby" she pouted, they just laughed and she joined the laugh. "So, what happened?" "Umm...I wanted to make pancakes for you both but the flour was high up and while trying to get it down, the bowl fell down, with the bowl the flour fell on my head." She explained pouting like a baby "but what about the burning smell and you screaming?" Tae asked "oh...that I forgot I put the butter on the pan when I left to fetch the flour, so when I came back the butter was black and smoke was coming out like crazy!" she said with a sheepish smile. "Oh..." Tae said with a hint of sadness "why is he sad?" Jisoo whispered to Jungkook looking at her cousin who is sad and mumbling some weird shit, "that's because he thought his alien friends came to meet him" Jungkook whispered back, she just sighed and shook her head. "Want to help me with the pancakes!" she exclaimed "yup!" Jungkook replied "vsookook bonding time!" V chirped happily.

"Well Kimchi you better start doing some stretches, you're short" Jungkook teased "yah! I am not short, your just too tall you giraffe sized bunny!" she smacked him on his shoulder "it's because of all the chicken she is eating, because of it you could not even reach the flour on the cabin" Tae added, "Aish! don't blame my lovely chicken and I could not reach the flour because you both being such huge human beings put it on the highest cabinet" she whined. The boys taking the advantage of the topic related to height, both came stood on both sides of Jisoo, nearly squishing her and they started.

"Kook did you see our Jisoo?" he asked looking around for Jisoo, "no Hyung even I was searching for her" they were acting like they were searching for Jisoo, while she rolled her eyes and sighed "you not going to start that stupid game again aren't you?" they just ignored and started calling her out and searching for her, "yah! Yah!! I am here, right next to you!" she mumbled sadly, the again ignored. Then she started jumping next to the boys, trying to get their attention, and at last "Oh! There you are Jisoo, your so short we lost you for a minute" Tae said while patting her head, while Jungkook was clinging to his Noona like there is no tomorrow. "Everyone calls me short!" she complained, the boys exchanged looks and smiled. "Chu, if ever anyone calls you short..." Jungkook carried her on his back and Tae continued "remember that we will always be there to carry to, now look you're the tallest!" he exclaimed looking up at Jisoo, who was grinning from ear to ear. She was giggling when Jungkook was moving around the kitchen with her on his back to take the ingredients for the pancake. "Kookie, you can keep me down. Noona is heavy and I don't want to hurt you" she said with a concerned look on her face. "Ani, Noona your light as a feather!" with that he started running around, while she was screaming her ass out. They finished making the pancakes and Jungkook put Jisoo down, "let's eat!" Tae beamed and they finished their breakfast with satisfaction.

"Now Chu and Kook go get changed for school!" Tae being the eldest announced, they nodded in response and went to change. They came out and entered their car to go to school, this time they were smiling, laughing, and joking around during their drive to school just like old times.


"Hey! Boys and Jisoo" I smiled at them and shyly and slowly smiled at Jisoo, but she returned with her usual cold glare. 'As expected,' The boys saw it, they sighed 'even though Jisoo is sweet to us, she will take time to get used to others' "hi, let's go?" Jungkook asked me before Jisoo scares me more. "Kimchi, I will see you in the break, okay?" he asked, and to my surprise she smiled, her smile was so beautiful when she smiled her lips shaped like a heart. Gosh! She is so beautiful but why can't she always smile. "Sure Kook!" she beamed like a kid 'well this is a side of hers I have never seen' Both Jungkook and Tae gave Jisoo a kiss on both the side of her cheek before she left. I was unconsciously staring at her, but she caught me she just scoffed and rolled her eyes, and left us. "What was that?" I asked looking at them. "Well..." and they explained everything that happened, I found it really cute their friendship was one of the best friendships I had ever heard of.

We there were talking, when I felt a hand on my shoulder we there turned back...




Double update?  SURE WHY NOT!

Looks like, from the next chapter all the BTS members will be introduced

Stay tuned


Annyeong! ◕◡◕


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