Chapter 13

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"Hey (Y/N) sorry for disturbing you're sleeping but it's too late for us to go to your house so let's stay at mine?" I opened my eyes "Don't worry Shira I can walk home alone." he tightened his grip on my legs "No way! I'm not letting you walk alone at 12 pm" "It's okayyyy i can handle things alone, plus I don't want to be a bother again...." He stopped walking and turned his face slightly looking at me "And since when you're a bother?" I just hid my face leaning on his back. I felt my legs being realized to the ground, Shirakumo turned and hugged me tightly "(Y/N) you are never a bother not to me not to anyone! I really enjoy spending time with you, and if you think that makes you a 'bother' then I'll show you what bothering is!" the next thing I know Shirakumo grabbed my cheeks and kissed me on the forehead " (Y/N).... you are really important to me and I don't want you saying stuff like that to yourself! Do you understand?" he looked at me straight in the eyes, a sigh escaped his lips like he was preparing for something big "I meant this to be more romantic but...(Y/N) will you.... You know.... wanna..." His cheeks now were super red maybe even redder than mine "Come on Shirakumo say it...ghaaaa" he started talking to himself stroking his hair. I placed my hands on his cheeks "Shira... If something is bothering you, you can tell me i won't laugh or get angry I'll always be here to-" "I love you!" Silence was heard on the street there was only the two of us "(Y/N)... I liked you from the day we met the way you smiled the way you were always there for us, i can't imagine a world without you, when i felt jealousy when you were around the other guys, i thought these were friendly feelings, at first but then..they grew and i can't hold them back anymore and-" I cut him off on the next sentence with the most tightest hug i can ever give anyone "I love you too dork" i said squishing my face into his chest. Out of nowhere he lifted me up bridal style and took off to his house "Shira what are you doing!?" "Taking you to our home of course!"

/Time skip/

Shirakumo putted me gently on his bed "Here! Now you can rest while i make you some tea" he said and left the room, I waited a few minutes when i looked out the window to see the clear night sky . I decided to open the window so i can see better... it is fascinating "There beautiful aren't they?" Looking to my side i saw Shira leaning on the window beside me "Yeah there amazing!" I continued looking at the sky but Shirakumo didn't lift his gaze "The stars right?" I sweat dropped "Nooope you" my face immediately turned red and of course i tried to hide it but "No!" Shirakumo stopped me bu grabbing my wrists "Stop hiding your face! If you see me blushing then i can see you too!" He smiled leaning closer to me "It's embarrassing..." "What exactly? Hmmmm?" He leaned even closer but this time to my ear "I love youuuuu" he whispered "Jerk!" Steam was coming from my ears because of the temperature my face was in. Caught in the moment if teasing Shira took the moment to make our faces even closer "(Y/N)... I'll give you give seconds, if you want me to stop just slap me.. 1...2......3............4.....................5" the next thing i felt was his warm lips on mine, he wrapped his hands around my waist and i wrapped mine around his neck. At this moment the time was just me and him.. nothing else mattered.. he pulled up with both of us breathless, i leaned my forehead on his and just stared at eachother "I'm you're jerk after all" he gave me a big grin "So you're officially my Dork now?" He hugged me tight and fell backwards into the bed so i was on top of him "Yup! And you are mine now!" With that we both fell asleep into eachothers emberes...

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