chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s pov:

Today was the day of UA's festival!! I putted on some comfortable clothes took my things and ran outside, walking towards the train station on my way there i met with... Kayama? I ran behind, and jumped on her back  "Hey Nemuri! What ya doin in this part of the town?" She turned and smiled at me "Oh hey (Y/N)! I didn't know you are from here! I was at patrol yesterday so i stayed at friends house" i giggled "Did Purple Highness charm u again?" She punched me in the shoulder "Shut upp you know hes too beautiful for this world!~" She posed like him "Yeah no one have seen such a fabulous creature!~" i laughed as i made my jojo pose, we continued talking and making jokes until we were at the station, just in time to...miss our train...

"Oh great!" Kayama cried "It's alright! I have an idea!" Her eyes sparkled with hope "Have you ever flew?" Her face turned into shocked one, i jumped and made plasma wings, then caught her waist "hold on tight!" And we flew "Waaaa (Y/N)! I didn't knew you could do that!!" I giggled and got even faster now we were above the school "Get ready for landing!"

I managed to put her carefully on the ground, but i couldn't stop on time and bumped into something, more likely someone "Hey (N/N) guess you really can't stop 'falling' for me" he laughed and i turned into tomato "T-Thank you Shirakumo i own you a big time" i giggled getting this feeling in my stomach "Hey lovebirds I'm gonna go now see ya around!" Nerumi hugged me and ran away "So where are Shota and Yamada?" I asked with a deep sight and, we started walking to the front gates where the stage was. "Oh Yamada is a leading speaker and Shota is helping with some stuff"

now we were near the stage "YEAHHHHH HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! AND WELCOME TO THE UA'S FESTIVAL!!!" I laughed "Guess he really enjoys it" we found Aizawa, and Shirakumo started convincing him to join him in the chilly noodle competition "Come on Shota! I know will win if you join, (Y/N) you too!!" Then Sensoji came from nowhere and started bragging about how he'll win and we didn't had a chance he even winked at me? Ew gross "Okay I'm in" Shota said out of the blue "Yes! What about you
(N/N)?" I blushed at the nickname "I would love to kick this bastards ass but i have to help with taking pictures" i took my camera out of the backpack "But I'll cheer for you guys!" We continued chatting until Yamada announced the begging of the competition, i took my camera and started shooting some pictures "Come on guys!! You can do it!" Me and Hizashi started cheering. Aizawa was slurping on them like it was nothing but Shirakumo started panicking because it was too spicy "AND THE WINNERS OF THE SPICY NOODLE COMPETITION ISSSS SHOTA AIZAWA AND OBORO SHIRAKUMO!!!" I quickly took a picture "You go guys!"

I started jumping with happiness soon i was joined by Shirakumo and Yamada Aizawa was just standing there and he... Smiled!? "(Y/N)!! Quick Take a picture!!!" Oboro screamed "Way ahead of you" i took a quick shot of him Looked at the picture and sweat dropped, with a sigh "That was close..." I gave it to the laughing duo, and both of their faces became disappointed "WHYYYYY SHOTAAAA??!" Hizashi cried while hugging him

"if we can't take a picture while you are smiling then we'll take a picture while you're hysterically laughing" i said while winking at Shirakumo who immediately caught my drift, both of us slowly started approaching Aizawa 'What are you guys do-" we caught him off guard by jumping on him with the biggest tickle attack, but his face stood emotionless "You guys are doing it wrong! He's ticklish at the feet!" Hizashi joined us. Now all of us were chasing him around the school. After finishing with all the fun on the festival we decided to go home walking, but 'luck' was on our side and started pouring heavy rain "Come on guys this way" thank god we were close to my place. Now we were soaking wet but at least on a safe place.

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