Chapter 20

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*Shirakumo's Pov*

In the car riding home I noticed (Y/N)'s head on the window sleeping so I pushed her to lay on my shoulder and when I looked at her again she was blushing 'Sooo cuuttee' as we were getting into the town I kissed her four head "Hey (Y/n) wake uup were heeree" she slowly opened her eyes witch were watery from her sleep and now shining beautiful (e/c) "Oh Shira sorry for sleeping on you" I just hugged her tight "Don't say sorry about stuff like that I'm your boyfriend after all" 'can she get even cuter?' She smiled and buried her head into my neck "I totally didn't felt you moving my head" "Aaand the cuteness is gone.." at this she just giggled "I love you, my clingy boyfriend, ~" "Heh I love you too my beautiful flower"

-The next day- (here it comes ;-;)

*(Y/N)'s Pov*

Of course, after an amazingly relaxing trip, we have to go back to work... I guess being a hero is a full-time job. And of course, now they had to put us at patrolling it was Me, Eraser head, and loud cloud walking around the streets. "Maybe Shira can make you bed out of clouds and you can rest for a bit after all this neighborhood is the least problematic one" I said walking beside Shira who was floating on a cloud and Shota telling us that he couldn't sleep last night. "Good idea! And Shota did u stayed up all night playing that kitty game?" "No... I usually play this game with Y/n. This time it was like something was bugging me as if something will happen... you know the feeling right?" he turned to us and I gave him everything will be okay smile. 

"Ooh, if it ain't the nursery brigade on a march!" Shira turned to a whole bunch of kids and they're teacher "Hey it's Loud Cloud" one of the kids said happily after that everyone started getting up on his cloud, but there was not enough space for everyone so I picked up the lat kid and put him on my shoulders "Waaah! Thank u miss H/n!" 'Awww I love kids so muuutch there the cutest!' I blushed to myself. Turning to the boys I saw Shira lightly blushing and smiling to me from ear to ear with kids all over him and I giggled at the scene, out of nowhere one of them started falling and Shota caught it "Careful don't fall now!" "Wait! look both ways before crossing" Sho was like a mother on duty "You are natural at this Shota" Shirakumo complimented him "Naahhh you're just careless" I chuckled to this and Shira pretended to be hurt. "You'd be pretty good working with kids. Like at a daycare or a school teacher" "Yeah! after all, you're dealing with Hizashi and Shira all the time so you're a pro at this!" "First how dare you! Second You kind of have a point! About the kids I mean." Shira Scoffed me "Awww is little baby Shira a big boy now?" I started making fun of him "You'll see a big boy!" "There kids here!" Shota warned and I stuck my tongue to Shira. "And what could children possibly like about me?" The teacher told us this is they're stop "Bye Bye Loud! Goodbye Eraser head! See ya miss H/n!" "See?" Shira turned to sho who was smiling and waving "Its cause you're too observant that you overthink stuff and convince yourself you cant, but you could do just about everything when you put you're mind to it." "Anything? like run a daycare or be a teacher?" "Yup exactly!" "Try thinking before you speak." "Hey I'm serious!". My phone started ringing

As she said that I started running back to the kids as Shira and Shota followed close behind me "The villain us coming this way!!" Shota screamed "Into the cloud kids!" Shira started evacuating them "Come one evacuations are gun for everyone!" I looked up and saw something I didn't wanted "It came here so fast!!!" "Wah this guy's jumbo sized!!" I created plasma shield around all of us so the falling pieces from the buildings won't hit us.
"Leave this to his majesty!" "Boss?" "You three get the kids to safety! I'll deal with this!" Purple highness ordered us, but then a limb fell from the creature and Hizashi's scream blasted right into his majesty "IT'S COLLECTING QUIRKS INTO ITS LIMBS!" Shota told us as the monster started destroying a building near us "CLOUD!" Shira covered the kids from the flying parts but a bigger one was flying right at him so I rand towards him and used my plasma to destroy the flying particle but that don't stopped the pieces "SHIRA!!!" I screamed but with no use the part hitted Shira right into his head and more of them started falling around him. I ran to his now unconscious body shielding him from the other pieces "Please Shira be okay!!!"

It started raining I was still hugging my beloved wh ohad huge scar onto his head "Shira hey Shira! Please wake up! Everything ended! Everyone are safe! Please Shira!" I started crying hugging his body and kissing his forehead

I felt an arm on my shoulder it was Hizashi he looked at me trying not to cry as well "Y/n...?" My eyes winded "SHIRA! STAY WITH US HELP IS ON THE WAY!" "Ha... I knew" and with that he passed out again.

-a month later-

"Hurry up! The meeting time will end!" "I'm going as fast as I can!"
"Hello! We're here for room 403!"
"Ah yes  the doctor wanna speak to you before entering hell be waiting for you at the door" "Thank you!" We hurried right to the room "Ah you guys must be Mr Yamada, Mr Aizawa, Miss Kayama  and Miss Y/n?" "Yup!" " So I assume u received my mail, before going in the patient might not remember everything also he's very sensitive of lights loud noises and any sorts of  tension so be careful" with that he opened the door to let us in. I couldn't believe my eyes.. he was awake.. finally awake.. we went close very carefully "Shirakumo?" Shota asked he turned his head to us and smiled "Hello everyone" with that I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug "I'm so happy you're okay!" He hugged me back "I promised didn't I? I'll always love you and be with you." His words made me cry "Oh no please don't cry Y/n!" He panicked started to brush my tears "See I'm here!" I stared into his ocean blue eyes as he kissed me gently on the lips...

"I love you"

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