chapter 3

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- (Y/N)'s pov: -

*robbery in progress in Golden street, in Tasomiya ward..! Report says a robber's ransacking an investment office on the third floor of an office building!*

It was then when I saw Kayam- I mean Midnight!! jump in to the building trough the widow and Shirakumo following her while me and Shota were waiting on the street for backup. The next thing I saw was the Villain jump down and running away leaving a lot of smoke behind him "(Y/N)!!! SHOTA!!! you handle the Villain!" Oboro screamed trough the whole in the glass. "GOT IT!/ON IT!" we started running after him "He's too far! I can't reach him!!" Aizawa said, I nodded and screamed "HOLD ON TIGHT!!" then I used my quirk to dash Shota forward, now the Villain as at his range "BACK OFF PUNK" he turned around throwing a whole safe at Shota but then out of nowhere His Purple Highness showed up kicking it fabulously away "You would hurt my precious chickadees? You'll pay the price for that." but the Villain got away "Great..." I cried silently running next to Shirakumo who just flew next to us. "What's done it's done the police'll handle this scene now." our boss calmed us "Sorry boss we got delayed" said Kayama then Purple Highness disagreed with her "No, no, no, nonsense you made the right call Midnight. Only bounty hunters are in this game to fight and win and nothing else. Putting aside the victory to prioritize the lives of innocents... makes you as a true hero, as there ever there was." Then he turned to Shirakumo "And you Loud Cloud you're always ready to make the next move without hesitation, quick judgment's a virtue no doubt. You're both a little wet behind the ears yet, but you've grown from this experience." then he looked at me and I flinched 'here it is...' "(Y/N) this was an incredible use of you're quirk to support the speed of Aizawa it was vulgar but well planned and done." I smiled hearing this "But you Eraser Head. BOY, YOU BAD!! care to tell us what was you're mistake?" Shota looked down and started pointing out stuff he made wrong. "No sir none of THAT. I'M TALKING ABOUT THAT GLOOMY FACE!!!" Aizawa now looked puzzled then Purple Highness started babbling how to be a hero you need to trust you're own power and smile. "Until that confidence... blooms out from within!" there was so many sparkles that I needed to squeeze my eyes to see 'now he looked even more like a jojo character'.

I waited for the guys outside the locker room to finish girl talking while chatting with Yamada over the phone about the work studies "So? how did it go?!" he asked really exited "It was great but Shota almost got hit with a Safe because of the smoke quirk and then he got a little reading how to smile with power from Purple Fabulous" I laughed nervously "WHAT!? is he okay??" my ear almost exploded "Yeah he's okay, Shirakumo is cheering him up now" "Phew.. that's good to hear. I'll talk with him later to check too" "Good idea" I smiled thinking how much they cared for each other them the door started opening "Gotta go Hizashi talk to ya soon" "See ya (N/N)!"

"Are you guys ready?" I asked walking next to them "Yeah! let's go home!! I'm beaten up" he yawned walking further. After a while of walking and chatting, we sent Shota home Shirakumo wanted to walk me home and of course, I agreed. "Hey, Shirakumo. Isn't you're home on the complete opposite side?" I asked walking backward so I could look at him. "It's alright I can't let a defenseless girl walk alone home in the middle of the night" he teased smirking at me "Who are you calling defenseless!??" I started lightly punching his chest "I can beat your ass any time!!" then he grabbed my hands and laughed "maybe that was not the right word... how about Cute?" he gave me a closed eye smile "I'm not Cute..." I said with my face burning hot "Well you're face says otherwise" he continued walking further "Plus to be honest you're a really cute girl (Y/N) I mean it you have an amazing personality too" he said blushing lightly after a while of silence I giggled and said "Thank you Shirakumo, for being beside me" after that we continued chatting but I realized something he never let go of my hand.

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