chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s pov:

The next day went great! We managed to stop the smoke villain with mostly the help of Shota this time he had glasses on and it helped him a lot. Now we are standing in front of Purple Highness scolding Shota that he need to practice smiling.

I looked at my phone to check the time and my eyes winded "Oh no I'm late!!" Taking my bag i said goodbye to the boys and ran as fast as i could 'dammit Tensei will kill me this time' i finally got to the gym seeing him with a timer in hand "You're late!!" I stopped panting "Guahhh!! With how mutch this time?" "5 minutes" he said pushing his glasses up "you know what this means" i looked at him, and then from the nothing started running away 'let me say something... Big mistake!!!' he caught me with ease and putted some sort of dumbbells on my  ankles and wrists "Now for training you're stamina well make a run around the town!" I felt my ghost leave my body when he said go.

After about an hour of running a loud crash was herd, i ran as fast as i could to the scene, there i saw Tensei being pushed to the ground by some sort of creature "TENSEI!!!" i screamed and ran avoiding the tentacles trying to kill me ' I'm not gonna lose anyone! Not after what happened to her.' i used my plasma to create a blade around my arm and cutted some of the tentacles 'shit... this won't work!' then out of nowhere a big hand punched me throwing me at a wall, now blood was streaming from my mouth *cough* then i looked up and saw the monster about to crush my friend 'NO!!! After everything the Iida family did for me, after the friendship i made with Tensei' "I'LL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DO THIS!!!" I dashed in front of him creating a shield around us now struggling to keep us safe ' C'mon (Y/N)! You can do it '*cough*. The creature was about to make a final hit on the shield everything was blurred up at this rate i was about to pass out but then a piercing scream was heard "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" i can guess this voice everywhere, the monsters hitting stopped and the last thing i saw was Shirakumo's light blue eyes.

- 5 hours later -

I woke up being kissed on the head by UA's new nurse Recovery girl "My head hurts so baaad..." I stood up rubbing my head "Well you lost a lot of blood during the attack but you're fine now" she smiled giving me a note with details, i nodded and looked around the room and then spotted Shirakumo sleeping on a chair "He stayed here the whole time, guess he really cares about you" she smiled and walked away, i stood up and and inspected his face 'he must be really tired' i looked close but then i met his blue eyes "Ahhh! Shirakumo it's not what it's look like!" I flushed red as tomato backing away, but then i was tackled to a warm hug "Don't scare me like that ever again okay!?" My eyes winded he's face was buried in the crook of my neck and was holding me like he will lose me any moment, i hugged him back "I'm sorry.." i said now with tears in my eyes "H-hey how's Tensei?" He broke the hug and smiled "Oh he left ah hour before u wake up, he told me to give you this!" He reached out to his pocket and gave me an a letter, i opened it and read 'Had to go home quick but I'm leaving you in good hands, he looks like a nice guy i understand why you like him. P.s. Next time well train at the beach." I blushed and looked at Shirakumo " Hm? What is it-"N-nothing!" He looked at me weirdly "Was there something on the latter?"i hide it behind my back "N-nope! Let's go" turning to the door i felt my hand empty 'Oh no!' "Give it back!" I jumped trying to take it "You have to try harder" he smiled and ran outside "Come on Oboro i thought we were friends!!" I fake cried running after him "And as you're best friend my job is to these you" he laughed but then i tripped him with my quirk and he fell in the bushes with me successfully taking the letter i was about to cheer up when a cloud pushed me and i fell in the bushes too "Ahahaha i can't believe you 'fell' for that" i started laughing with him "hey i was the one who gave you 'falling' start" i stood up giving a hand to him "Well i guess I'm 'falling' for you" he winked while standing and i blushed "oh shut up" i punched him lightly on the shoulder. We took our stuff and proceed walking home.

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