chapter 80

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Hi everyone!!! the next chapter of Love and Revenge is here.......i hope i don't disappoint anyone. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. any one whose results out today??? !!!!)///

Jasmin: baby go and wash your hands and sit for homework with dada

Alya: ok mumma but I am hungry

Jasmin: you go and start studying mumma will bring some snacks.

Alya: ok – saying this she went to her room

Jasmin: Aly do you want some snacks too?

Aly: no I am full. I just had my snack – he said naughtily

Jasmin: ummm ok!! – she said pressing her lips cutely

Aly: now don't be so cute or else I won't be able to control myself – he said flirtingly

Jasmin: go and sit with Alya – she hit him lightly with her elbow and ran inside the kitchen

A few days passed by just like that

One day

It was 11 in the morning

Jasmin was home alone as Aly went to office and Alya went to school

The doorbell rings continues for four times in a row

Jasmin: coming – she says and goes to open the door

The doorbell rings again thrice in a row

Jasmin: I am coming can't you be patient – she said opening the door frustrated

She was surprised to see Aly on the door

Jasmin: Aly? What happened you are back so early!!!!

Aly didn't say anything and walked inside and Jasmin closed the door behind and followed him inside

He sat down on the sofa with a thud without uttering a single word

Jasmin: Aly??? Are you alright? What's wrong? – she asked sensing the negativity

Aly pulled out an envelope from his cardigans pocket and smashed it on the tea table in front

Jasmin: what's this? – she sat down beside him and started opening the envelope

A dozen of printed photographs were inside the envelope, Jasmin looked at the first photograph closely and she was shocked.

Jasmin: who took them?

Aly: if only I would have know then the person won't have been alive yet!!!! – he said in a serious tone

Jasmin looked onto the next few pictures

Jasmin: it's him!!! I know it!!!!

Aly: Jasmin please not again.... – he said irritated

Jasmin: and how can you be so sure?

Aly: because I called the police station and they confirmed that Arijit is still inside!!!

Jasmin: then what about Mr. Taneja?

Aly: he is dead!!!

Jasmin: what?

Aly: yes Mr. Taneja died of heart attack a few moths back

Jasmin: but Aly trust me my gut feeling is telling me it's Arijit's doing

Aly: no it can't be him

Jasmin: then who can it be? Do you have a better person to doubt?

Aly: as a matter of fact yes I do !!!

Jasmin: tell me...

Aly: Mr Mehra

Jasmin: what!!! You think your business rival is spying on your family?

Aly: yes absolutely and don't worry he will face consequences for this

Jasmin: are you sure?

Aly: of course I am also I did see a man watching us from a distance that day

Jasmin: when?

Aly: when I went to buy popcorn

Jasmin: did you recognize him?

Aly: no, he was standing quiet far away – he said angrily kicking the tea table in front

Jasmin: ok....ok.... just relax!!! – she said rubbing his back slowly trying to calm him down

Aly: how can I relax? Some stupid person was spying on us!!!!!

Jasmin: I know but calm down anger is not always the solution and you have already handeled it right?

Aly: yes but.... – he was cut in between by Jasmin

Jasmin: sssshhuuuu!!! No buts just calm down Aly – saying this she engulfed him into a hug

Aly wrapped himself around her body and rested his head on her chest. Jasmin slowly patted her head. Aly could hear her heat beat, he closed his eyes and listened to her thumping heart. The sound of her heart beating gave him peace and slowly he calmed himself.

that's it for today guys!!!

please do vote and comment , suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow

till then bye!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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