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present day, may 14th, 1968

she would have done anything, if it meant being able to sleep peacefully without having to be woken up at ten in the morning every Saturday. but here she was, trying to drown out the sound of pebbles bouncing off her window.

"I will break you're fucking window"

now that was anything but an empty threat, reluctantly sitting up in bed, opening the window thats set right by her bed.

just as it opens, a much bigger rock flies in, landing with a loud thud onto her bedroom floor.

quickly grabbing the rock and swinging it back outside as she heard a loud yelp coming from the boy.

"fucking bitch!"

ignoring his insult, as she grabs her neglected converse that were thrown to the floor only a night before. not bothering to change for she fell asleep in her previous clothing.

feeling of unbearable haze as she splashed cold water onto her face, now under the piercing illumination that brought her eyes to a squinting state. the water was useless, though she would do anything to feel even just a little bit less miserable.

if only the water could wash away all her sorrows

her legs were numb, and her ears rang as she gripped onto the wall trying to steady herself. she was light headed beyond belief. her head was pounding, though she was unsure if it was from the splintering light or the reoccurring contact of her hand battering the side of her head continously. her sight blurring. squeezing her eyes shut till she saw stars. rubbing them harder and harder for some type of relief.

this morning ritual of some sort was a painful one. waking up feeling worse than you did when first falling asleep.

slowly she made her way down stairs, only to find him settled at the dinner table with a bowl of cereal in hand.

the eye contact was brief, though the subject of how exactly he got into her house was lucid. but they both brushed it off, and he was nothing but thankful. it just might be better left unknown that he picked the lock on her front door.

she had enough issues, the lack of security in her own home would only add on.

regardless of it all

the day was still there for them.

waiting for them.

End of chapter 02

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