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"fucking cool it, alright!"

grabbing her shoulder, before his hand instantly being swatted away. she treaded ahead of him, dismissing his pleas.

"they could have fucking shot us"

"I didn't know the old couge would have a heater!"

eden didn't know where she was going, just that it was away from curly shepard. it was these antics he just couldn't find a way to stray apart from. it was habit, and a bad one.

"well you could have told me that you were gonna lift"

already worn out from her anger, eden perches herself on the curb. an exasperated sigh falling from his lips as he collapses beside her.

they sat in silence, he knew better than to start with her again. his eyes wandered to the girl. watching as her furrowed eyebrows gradually fell. he couldn't help but turn away.

two red cars, one blue car, three black cars

their friendship was anything but pleasant. although they cared for one another, and had met fairly young
, that didn't stop the friendship being somewhat destructive. they merely trauma bonded, though the bond seemed to grow overtime.

suppose that opposites do attract, curly had the rep of a hoodlum and he used that to his advantage, provoking fear in anyone he could. though in comparison of how pitiful he felt being surrounded by the oldest shepard and the other crude boys that bummed around his house often. surely enough, that didn't stop him from idolizing his brother. he wanted to be just like him.

and from how things were going, he was halfway there already.

he wanted to be feared. known.


End of chapter 04

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