Ch. 9 - Reindeer Games

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It had been a full day since The Avengers' return and was now the next morning. Yesterday, once we all came back to the main living area; Monet, Bruce, and Stark settled down as the rest headed to their chambers to freshen up.

I had assumed they all returned downstairs to 'catch-up' and such yet I wouldn't now since I decided not to remain seated with the three and chose to return to my chambers as well. I remained there for what I assumed to be many hours as I was given my midday meal by Thor, in my room.

Afterwards, I still stayed put until I was called for the final dish of the day.


*knock knock*

"Enter," I say. I'm lying against my back on the bed, with my arm supporting my head as I tossed a cup from my previous meal up and down, catching it in one hand every time.

"Hey, Loki," I'm greeted by the familiar voice I've been enduring for the past week. "Dinner's ready. Come downstairs."

"I would rather remain undisturbed with my meal here," I respond to Monet.

"No one's gonna be bothered to bring it up here for you. Just come."

"You were bothered to come up and fetch me." I loved getting in the poor girl's nerves.

"Oh Lord," she sighs as she looks up to the ceiling then looks down and pinches the bridge between her nose, "I'm way too tired for this man. Just get up off your ass and come eat with us."

I quickly catch the cup a final time and get up into a sitting position to see her leaning against my doorframe, wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt.

"What on Midgard are you wearing?"

"Erm. Comfortable clothes?" she respond in a sarcastic tone.

"Again with the tone?"

"Oh for fuck's sake," she says as he begins to exit my room.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," I chuckle.

*mini time-skip*

"Look who's here!" Stark announces as Monet and I enter the room.

"Loki, we must speak to you of something," Thor informs me.

"Noooo, not yet! I'm starving so much I can eat someone," Stark complains.

"...out?" the bird man says while snickering, causing the majority of the group to burst out in a laugh.

"You're not wrong," he responds back.

"Gross, you two! Get your mind out of the gutters," Rogers says.

"Alright boys, that's enough. You're making Brucie here feel awkward," Romanoff says as she signalled towards the doctor fiddling with his hands.

"Aww, Brucie?" Monet teases. "Well, isn't that just adorable?"

"Come on, Monet!" Dr. Banner complains.

I'm watching from Monet's side as the bickering continues, until my stomach suddenly grumbles.

"Oh you hear that, everyone? Lolo's gettin' hungry," Monet says in a baby voice while tapping on my stomach. I hear Barton, Stark, and Thor's snorts then look over to see both Romanoff and Banner with their lips pursed together trying to hold in laughs, and Rogers' disapproving looks while he still grins underneath.

"Never say that again," I say in a monotone as I pushed her hand off my stomach.

"Oh my bad, Reindeer Games."

And that broke everyone. They all start bursting out laughing, even harder than before.

"She learns from the best!" Stark yells proudly.

"That's enough of teasing my baby brother for one night," Thor booms as he gets up to smack me on the back as I cringe at the his use of the word 'brother'. "Time for supper!"

And we all head to the table.



A/N: In case you didn't get it, the majority of this chapter is a flash back to last night and the beginning of the chapter is the only part written in present time, which is the morning after the return of The Avengers.

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