Ch. 6 - Breakfast? (1)

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It had already been two nights since The Avengers left for their mission. Both evenings I had come downstairs to the lounge to meet Loki, and brought him to the kitchen area to eat with him. Then go back up to my room.

Same with breakfast and lunch. We usually talked while eating and after putting the dishes away I sometimes stayed for an hour or so with him while we watched the television or something.

I didn't stay up the night before last night with Loki after dinner but I did stay yesterday.


"What's this called again?" he asks me while still facing the television.

I pause the show, turning to him, and respond, "The Vampire Diaries. I love this show, one of my favourites."

"You've already watched it?" He turns to me as well making direct eye-contact. I quickly look away, back to the paused screen. Eye-contact is weird.

"Yeah. I mean if I'm gonna be fully honest, it's not the best show, well it actually is pretty shit and cringe, but it's just so goddamn entertaining! For real, like the teenage romance and all the drama and lies and on top of that it's based around the supernatural. It's definitely a binge-worthy show, in my opinion."

"Why bother watching it if you've already seen it before? And if you say it isn't the best?" Loki continues to ask.

"Well because it's just a type of rewatch able show for me. I would really never get bored of it." That's not a lie. I can't keep track of the amount of times I watched this show.

"I don't understand this concept, but do as you wish," he shruggs, looking back at the television as well.

"Ooh! You know what's also a binge-worthy show?" I turn back to him with excitement. "Brooklyn Nine-nine. I love that so much we should definitely watch it. Ohhh and Modern Family! My favourite show ever is probably one of those two."

"Make up your mind Monet, we can't watch them all at once," he chuckles.

"Ok ok fine, we'll stick with tvd. For now," I say with a smirk.

He laughs a bit again at the last added part and I unpause the show, continuing episode one.


Last night, we watched four episodes of tvd and I'm not gonna go far enough to say Loki was liking it, but he definitely wasn't disliking it. He himself said we should watch one more episode after we finished the first one, but then it was me who kept playing the other two.

I came downstairs today for breakfast, finding Loki sitting on his armchair like he does everyday, reading the same book like he does everyday, and wearing the same clothes like he does everyday.

I was honestly pretty disgusted the first week of being here because every time I saw him, he was wearing the same clothes.

Once I confronted him about it, he just said he washed it everyday. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really thought it looked cool but that was some serious cosplayer type shit I thought about. Still making it cool, but wouldn't that be unnecessarily uncomfortable?

Now that I know he's an Assbergian or whatever, his leather and metal green suit kinda makes sense, I guess. But still, why not just wear regular clothes.

"Hey, Loki," I called from the other side of the room. He looked up at me looking fully fresh and pleasant. "Breakfast?"

"Ah yes, of course," he responded while closing his book and swiftly getting off the arm chair to head towards me.

"Come," I said, turning away a little earlier before he reached my side. "So what would you like?"

"Yesterday, you had made some dish of spice for our midday meal." He had caught up to me but still slightly trailing behind me as I led us both towards the kitchen.

"So would you like to have that again, for breakfast?"

"As you wish."

I wouldn't think he would have liked it much, plus it was more of a starter or side dish. It was just plain yogurt mixed with different spices and salts, creating a strong flavour my sister taught me to make.

Yes as I mentioned before, we weren't the closest but I still looked up to her greatly, wishing one day we would grow together, and become friends. Sadly, that never happened.

I zoned out once more as I was thinking of her and was brought back to reality by Loki's inquires.

"You should control this habit of yours, Monet. That which you call 'zoning out'. You have done it countless times since our introductions to each other and it may at one point put you in harm's way," he stated.

"It already has."


A/N: Read the next part, go go! You'll see they're not always friendly with each other :)

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