Ch. 17 - Biggest Fucking Mistake

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Tears were welling up in my eyes. What the fuck is wrong with her? She can't be serious. This job- it was-

Fuck, am I stuttering in my own mind?

Anyways, it was my parents' dream for me. I can't let her take this away from me.

I need to find a way. I need to find a way to do as she asks.

God, I'm fucked.


"Monet, explain. Quickly. Or I'm beating the shit out of whoever this is," Tony says while stepping closer to us.

"No Tony, Stop!" He stopped dead in his tracks and everyone finally turned their full attention to me. "It's just my boss guys. Relax."

"This is her?" Nat whispers in my ear. I take a large gulp and slowly nod my head.

"Wait, wait, I'm sorry. But who let her in anyways?" Clint asks.

Even in his suit, you can tell Tony's pissed. "No one! She just showed up!"

"And who's fault is that?" Bruce accuses.

"Now, now, little boys. No need to start, eh how do you say, eating each other out?" Madame questions. I hear people's snorts and am glad the mood lightened just a little bit.

"Yeah, she's not the best at English," I say. "Madame, please, why are you here?"

"That was my last warning, Ms. Ridell. I'm afraid we can't carry on." Well she isn't laying it on me easy.

"Excuse-me?" I say as I try to sound unbothered but in truth I'm fucking shocked.

"I said that's it. We're done. You are no longer able to work with S.A.B.L.E further," she calmly states with her annoyingly emotionless and wrinkly old face of hers.

"S'il vous plaît, Mada-"

"No! I've had enough of you and your troubles," she snaps.

"I'll do anything, please!" I plead.

"Can someone just tell me how the hell-"

"Shut up, Tony," Nat mutters.

Madame raises her eyebrow at my last statement. She waits a long pause. "You'll do anything?"

I'm taken back a bit. Is she really gonna give me another chance? I eagerly nod my head and silently beg for her forgiveness (even though I didn't even do much wrong, just saying).

"Your sister," she states.

I see Loki's eyes shift towards me. Oh fuck my life. "Excuse me?"

"Christine. Your sister. I wish for you to bring her to me. I've heard of her works. She's quite the genius. I demand to speak with her." Who does she think she is? Oh. And I'm really fucked.

"Madame, I can't do that-"

"This is your only option, Ridell!" she screeches.

"Hey. Whoever you are or whoever you think you are. You've got no right speaking to Monet like that."

"This is none of your concern, Mr. Stark." Madame keeps her gaze on me. "Now, do we have a deal?"

"It's not possib-" she cuts me off once more.

"I said," she yells out, "do we have a deal?"

I pause. This is gonna be the biggest fucking mistake I've ever made, isn't it? "Deal."

I look around and see everyone with a face of confusion. Only Loki and Bruce show more worry than that, and both for different reasons. Bruce: he wants to know why the hell my boss thinks she can control me this way, but Loki: he's the only one who knows the real reason behind my hesitation and the only one who is able to understand why I'm in such deep shit.

She evilly grins and brushes past me to get back in the lift. I don't have the guts to turn back and just trust the sound of the shutting doors to be able to let out the breath I didn't know I was holding it.

A shit ton of questions are piled on top of me while Nat and Bruce were trying to get the others to calm down and give me space to breathe. The only one not tormenting me with questions was Loki. His gaze shifted to the floor, and remained there.

"I think, erm, I think I'm just gonna go back upstairs," I say, letting out a shaky breath.

"Uh- no way, Monet. We need an actual explanation," Tony pushes once again.

I look at Nat as my eyes ask her the question my mouth can't say. She warmly smiles and nods, while placing her hand on my shoulder giving me a sense of comfort. "You go. I'll handle this." She may not know about my sister, but she knows enough to understand how I'm feeling right now. Plus, there is now way I can handle being around others right now.

I nod my head in thanks and rush back up to my room, using the stairs.


As I said, I'm fucked. 


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and also for the fact that it's literally been 2 months, but now that I'm back I'm definitely going to try to update more often. 

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