The Gang Is Back Together

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"Fury, I'm with Sam and we are on our way to look into a group called Flag Smashers. He showed me a video of them. They look strong. Like Steve strong. Have you heard anything about super soldier serum being created," she asks, leaving a voicemail.

Jill ends the call and walks over to where Sam is having an argument with a familiar voice about whether or not sorcerers and wizards are the same thing.

"Sam, ready to go? Hey, Buck."

Not waiting for a reply from either of them she walks onto the plane. Once on the plane, Jill gets dressed in her uniform. The uniform that Tony designed for her is an almost replica of Nat's. However, Jill insisted that it not be all black so he added dark teal into the uniform.

During the flight to Germany, Jill and Sam go over the information she and Redwing have collected. All the while Jill and Sam are talking, Bucky has not said a word. He just stares at Sam.

Torres announces one minute to drop off. Jill notices Sam and Bucky are having a staring contest. She gets up and walks over to get her comms. Then she walks over to Sam and kicks his leg and walks over to Bucky to do the same.

"Stop acting like children. Buck, if you are here to help, help. Sam, you ready?"

Jill goes to stand by the door where she and Sam will jump. Sam and Bucky walk over to get their comms.

"What's our plan," Bucky asks.

Sam doesn't say a word.

"Great. So no plan."

Torres announces thirty seconds.

"Enjoy your ride, Buck," says Sam.

"No, you can't call me that."

"Why not? That's what Steve called you. That's what Jill calls you."

"Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan."

Sam notices Bucky does not say anything about Jill but doesn't say anything.

Torres announces fifteen seconds.

"Jill and I have a plan," Sam says.

"Really? What is it?"

Sam walks over to where Jill is standing and grabs her hand.

"You ready, darlin'," Sam asks.

She looks at him with a smile and nods. "Just don't drop me."

"Never, darlin'."

Then Jill and Sam are out of the plane. The wind rushes up as Sam's wings fly them both down to the ground.

Sam starts chuckling. At Jill's confused look, he points to his arm where Redwing has captured Bucky, falling not gracefully from the plane to the ground.

"I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?" Sam tells Bucky.

Jill tries not to laugh. "Um, I am getting a copy of that, right?"

"Already in your inbox."

"Get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it." Bucky threatens as he lays on the forest ground.

Jill mutes her comms so she can laugh.

Bucky slowly sits up, groaning. That was embarrassing, he thinks to himself. He stands up and runs over to the abandoned factory to Jill and Sam.

"You're doing the staring thing again," Sam says.

Bucky looks and sees two people near a big truck. He goes to go after them but Sam stops him. They argue about the best way to proceed. Tired of being told not to do something, Bucky breaks away from Jill and Sam and heads to the truck.

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