Let's Get This Party Started

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Jill and Bucky both wake up early the next morning. They are laying in their own beds thinking about their dance last night.

Jill is thinking how safe she felt in Bucky's arms.

Bucky is thinking how he didn't feel like a man out of time, but a man who finally found exactly where he was meant to be.

Soon they are each dressed and leaving their rooms to meet Sam downstairs for their run. As Jill steps out of her room, Bucky is stepping out of his.

"Hey," she says to him with a soft smile.

"Hey. Did you sleep well," he asks smiling.

"I did. How was your sleep," she asks.

"It was really good," he replies.

They make their way downstairs. She grabs them both water bottles and heads out to the front yard. She and Bucky have almost finished stretching by the time Sam joins them. Once Sam is stretched out, they start running. Instead of Bucky running ahead with Sam he is running alongside Jill. Sam is torn between running at his normal pace and slowing down to run with them. He decides to go at his usual pace and let them run together. He is not sure what happened between them but he can tell something has happened and is happy for his friends.

Later, that morning she runs into Bucky in the hall after he gets out of the shower. He was only wearing his shorts and dog tags.

"I'm so glad you found your dog tags from the war," she says to him.

"Steve found them when they raided one of HYDRA's bases and saved them for me," he replies.

"Can I see them," she asks.

Bucky nods. She walks up to him and her finger lightly grazes his chest as she picks up one of the dog tags to inspect.

"I read that a lot of soldiers gave one of their dog tags to their wife or girlfriend so they would have something of theirs while they were gone," she says.

"Some guys did," he replies.

"I am surprised you did not have someone special waiting for you while you were gone," she remarks.

"There were a couple of girls that were hoping that I would see them as someone special," he replies.

"Really no one made you feel like everything was exciting or new and that you couldn't wait to see them," she asks.

"Not back then," he replies. He notices her raised eyebrow and continues, "I'm not saying there weren't any that I was attracted to but none that I would give one of my dog tags to."

"Steve told me that pre-war Bucky was a real ladies man. I've got to say that while I wish I saw that, I'm so glad I met Wakanda Bucky," she says with a smile.

"Uh...," he says with a blush.

She lets the dog tags go gently so they lay back on his chest. She looks him in the eyes before saying, "Well, I should let you finish getting ready."

"Uh, yeah, I guess we do need to get ready," he replies.

She starts walking to her room but stops and looks at him when he calls out to her, "Jill, save me a dance tonight, please."

"Buck, you can have as many dances as you want," she replies.

She catches his grin as she walks into her room to finish getting ready. When she comes out, she has her hair in soft waves and is wearing the blue sundress Bucky bought her earlier in the week.

She heads downstairs and starts to load the desserts into Sam's truck. On her way back in the house, Bucky comes down the stairs. He is wearing dark grey shorts with a short sleeve blue shirt that is a couple of shades lighter than her dress. She stops and stares for a second, noticing how the blue makes his eyes pop. He grins at her.

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