Vacation Time is Over

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Jill and Bucky's last week with Sam flies by. The three of them spend the week going out on the boat, exploring Sam's hometown, and playing mild pranks on each other. They also go with Sarah, AJ, and Cass to a nearby water park.

Jill and Bucky have an uneventful road trip home. They stop halfway between Louisiana and New York for the night. Bucky knows he can keep driving but he really wants to postpone their return back to normal life. He has never taken a vacation before this trip and the peace he feels is a different kind of peace than what he felt in Wakanda. Wakanda was about healing and Louisiana is about living.

Once they are back, they get into a routine of going on runs around the neighborhood before Jill starts working and Bucky volunteers at either an animal shelter or the VA that Jill and Steve volunteered at during The Blip. The evenings are spent eating dinner together and then watching a movie, reading books, or playing games.

Three days after she is back from vacation, she gets a call from Fury.

"Agent Whelan. I hope you are well rested because we have an emergency situation we need you for," Fury says.

"What's the mission, sir," she asks.

"There's a group of people stealing weapons prototypes and classified documents from various government agencies including S.H.I.E.L.D. We don't want to tip off the people behind this that we are onto them so each agency is setting up a small team to look into their stolen items and any information found is to be shared with the other teams. You, Barnes, and Wilson are S.H.I.E.L.D.'s team. We need you in DC ASAP," he instructs.

"Yes, sir. I will let them know," she replies and hangs up.

She walks across the hall to Bucky's door and knocks.

"Hey, doll," he says.

"Hey, Buck. I just got a call from Fury. He needs us," she says.

Bucky sighs and says, "Well, at least we got two weeks off from the bad guys."

"Yes we did. Let's head over to my place and we'll call Sam. This way I can fill you in with what I know together," she says.

They walk over to her place and call Sam.

"Hey, darlin'. You ready to come back to Louisiana," he asks.

"You know I am and especially since I just got off the phone with Fury," she replies.

"That doesn't sound good," Sam replies.

"It isn't. I have Bucky here so I can tell you both together," she replies.

She tells Sam and Bucky what Fury has told them and that they all need to be in DC ASAP. Sam says he will book the next flight out and let her know when he will be there. She looks up flights for her and Bucky but they decide to drive since the quickest flights out there will get them there late that night and they can drive faster than that. They quickly pack and get on the road.

This time their road trip is more subdued. Jill books the three of them a hotel suite. She reads the information Fury sent her out loud so Bucky knows what is going on. She sends the information to Sam so he can read it on his plane ride.

As Bucky drives, she starts combing through the information stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D. trying to find access points that the thief used. The thief is good, she admits but she is better. She traces the access code to Agent Jordan. She pulls up the agent's file and sees that they have been out the last three weeks convalescing due to injuries from a mission but two days before the theft a new access card was issued to them. She pulls up the form requesting the new card and compares it to the original form. The signatures look close but she can see several differences that make her doubt Agent Jordan is the one who requested the new card.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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