Nurturing Friendships

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Jill wakes up on the couch the next morning. She looks over to her right and sees Sam still sleeping. She looks to her left and sees an empty spot where Bucky had been last night. She looks around and she sees him in the kitchen making breakfast. That is what woke her up. The smell of bacon and coffee in the air. She gets up from the couch and walks over to the kitchen island. Bucky slides a cup of coffee towards her as she sits down on one of the bar stools. She looks at the cup and sees Bucky has made it just like she likes. She takes a sip and moans in pleasure. Bucky stiffens for a second at the sound before chuckling.

"Enjoying the coffee, doll," he asks her.

"Very much so," she replies. "You made it just the way I like it."

"One-third frou-frou creamer and two-thirds coffee" he says with a smirk.

"Frou-frou? Just because you are old and drink your coffee black doesn't make mine frou-frou," she replies teasingly.

"You can barely call that coffee since all you taste is the creamer," he teases back.

"Exactly," she replies, stealing a piece of bacon.

"Hey, hands off," he says, swatting her hand with the spatula playfully.

"Keep it down there. Some people are trying to sleep," Sam says grumpily from the sofa.

"Some people are trying to eat breakfast," Jill replies back to him.

Bucky starts scrambling eggs for breakfast. It isn't fancy but he wanted to do something nice after the day they had yesterday. When Jill sees that the eggs are just about done, she snags another piece of bacon and sits next to Sam who is lying on the couch with his eyes closed. She waves the bacon slowly under his nose.

"Sa-am," she says slowly. "It's time to wake up."

"I don't wanna," he replies.

"Bucky made breakfast. There is coffee. And eggs. And...bacon."

"Bacon! I'm up," he says, snatching the piece she is waving in front of him.

"Hey! That was mine," she shouts.

"It was in my face so it was mine," he replies.

Bucky laughs and says, "Kids! There is more bacon in the kitchen. Now come on and get it while it's hot."

Jill and Sam go to the kitchen and grab plates. As Sam is scooping eggs and bacon on his plate, Jill walks over to Bucky and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you," she says to him.

Bucky just looks over to Sam.

"I'm not kissing you," he replies.

Jill just laughs at them both before putting food on her plate. They all sit at the island talking while they eat breakfast. Sam decides that he is going to do dishes since it was Jill's food and Bucky did the cooking. Then Bucky goes across the hall for a shower while Sam uses the shower at Jill's place. Jill gets changed and ready for the day before heading back to the living room to grab her laptop. She moves to the kitchen island and gets back to work on her mission report. She knows Fury is going to want it soon.

Bucky and Sam come back into the kitchen with Jill. When they see what she is working on they help fill in details that she did not see. She adds Bucky's phone conversation with Karli and his fight with the Flag Smashers while she was trapped in the armored car to the report. Sam fills her in on his fight with Batroc and how the group of GRC in the helicopter was saved. She left out Sharon's name from the report. She just used the word female in regards to the Flag Smasher who was killed by a mercury vapor bomb and the shooting of Karli. She is hoping Fury will understand why she is leaving the name off until Sam can get her a hearing for a pardon.

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