This is the story of two kids, one has white hair and sapphire eyes, he's a blue flame in a snow storm - the other kid has blonde hair, yellow diamond eyes and red wings, he's a bird that can't fly.
This is the story of a friendship lost in time
I had finally convinced my dad to enroll me in a Special Hero Program, I coudn't wait! I'd have become a hero, just like him!
Natsuo: W-why are you abandoning me??
Natsuo was covered in tears, I'd have miss him so much, he was my little brother and we have always looked after each other.
Fuyumi was choking me with an endless hug while mom was trying to separate her from me
Rei: Come on darling, let him go, you can write him every day, and we'll see him in summer.
My sister had always been a smart girl but when it came to me...she became stubborn.
Natsuo encreased his tears at the word ''killed'' and started shaking my arm faster.
'Thank you for the help, sister' I thought
Touya: Guys I'll be fine, I promise! I'll write you every week, ok?
Natsuo tried to hold back tears for a few seconds
Natsuo: O-okay bro, I'll miss you so much, but I'll be happy when you'll become a hero, I'll make my classmates jealous!
Fuyumi: NATSUO!
Touya: That's the spirit!
Fuyumi let me go
Fuyumi: Don't you dare get hurt, Touya Todoroki!
Touya: I won't! Don't you dare get a boyfriend, Fuyumi Todoroki! I'd break him.
Natsuo and mom lauthed, Fuyumi turned into a tomato.
Dad: We have to go, Touya. Take your bag and go in the car.
Touya: YES DAD!
I hugged my siblings, mom gave me a huge kiss on the head
Rei: Have fun!
Touya: Bye mom!
I got in car with dad
Dad: Touya. Are you sure you want to go? If you don't feel like it, I can call...
Touya: Dad! I WANT this! Please, let's go! You'll be so proud of me!
My dad wasn't completely sure to make me go, when he discovered my skin problem, he didn't wanted to train me anymore, he was afraid that I could get hurt too much, but I wanted to be a hero more than everything and I annoyed him to death to enroll me in the Program.
I got lost in my thoughts
'Since I was 4 he always said that a day I'd have become a hero stronger than AllMight, I was so happy to train, my dad admitted my fire was stronger than his, I wanted to make him proud than anything. When my health problem was diagnosted, for a long time he didn't wanted to even talk to me, it seemed like he thought I was...trash, a failure like Natsuo and Fuyumi.
Also, two years ago I discovered that he married mom just to have a special and strong child...well I AM! I AM STRONG! I AM EVERYTHING HE COULD EVER ASK FOR! I'LL BE A HERO AND HE'LL BE PROUD! I MUST BE STRONGER THAN ANYONE ELSE.
I'm more than trash...I know I could be better, I don't care if I get hurt or... killed by my flames'
Dad: Fine.
He started driving and I fell asleep.
'You'll be so proud of me...'
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