This is the story of two kids, one has white hair and sapphire eyes, he's a blue flame in a snow storm - the other kid has blonde hair, yellow diamond eyes and red wings, he's a bird that can't fly.
This is the story of a friendship lost in time
The agent was taking me to the ''Tower'' that's how he was calling the place where I was going to become a special hero.
I was quite excited, one of my feathers cut the agent's beard.
Agent: Hey!
Keigo: Ops, sorry!
We were in a black limousine, there were lots of snacks, I ate chips and cookies for the whole trip, I was going to explode.
Keigo: Uh!Uh! Is that the place??
Agent: Yeah
Keigo: WOAHHH, it's so big but I don't see anyone, where are the people???
Agent: They're inside, the Tower is a secret base, so we have to keep it in the shadow.
Keigo: Cool!
After a few minutes, the car finally stopped.
Agent: Here we are, remember kid: Your name is Hawks, Keigo Takami do not exist anymore, altright?
Keigo: Yes, sir!
He went crazier than me, Endeavor was a living legend in my mind... he saved me from my father.
My dad was a criminal so he forced me to stay locked up in the house to ensure no one could discover and capture him, and I was unable to interact with the outside world or anyone my age. Because of this, I initially believed that the heroes I saw on television were just fictional characters. Furthermore, I was subjected to constant physical and emotional abuse by my father.
I would be kicked simply for turning my back to my father, who would constantly say how it would've been better if I was never born. I used to held in my emotions and became determined not to endure the same fate of my broken parents. I displayed my ingenuity and strength when me and my mother were forced out onto the streets, and after being tormented by mom when asking why she even had me or what good my wings were, I became determined to be useful, saving the lives of many people in a high-speed incident, garnering the attention of the Hero Public Safety Commission and saving both me and my mother from our life of poverty.
Agent: Maybe you'll be so lucky to train with Endeavor's son! I'm quite jealous ahah
Keigo: It would be amazing!
We got out of the car and started walking towards an armored gate, I wanted to go see Endeavor closely but I knew it would have been embarassing for the agent so I held back my happiness.
There was a short man in front of the gate, he was probably a security guy or staff like that, he looked at me with his little grey eyes
Short man: What are you doing here, bird?
The agent looked mad at him probably for the nickname he gave me
Agent: He's a new recruit for the Hero Program
Short man: Who? This little singing bird?
Agent: YEAH. He has a lot of potential, you better do not mess with him.
The security guy made a quick laugh
Short man: Ok ok, make him wait there - he pointed to a small garden a few metres away from the gate – we always open the gate at 5:00pm and now it's only 4 o'clock! he has to wait.
Agent: Altright, thank you... I guess
I was a little scared, I didn't want to stay alone with that weird man whispering about me at my shoulders.
Agent: Well Hawks, I guess it's time for me to go... it was nice to meet you, when you'll grow up I'm sure I'll see you in TV saving people,right?
He gave me a high five
Agent: Goodbye Hawks! Keigo: Goodbye, thank you for everything!
He got in the car and went away
I started walking towards the garden
'when you'll grow up I'm sure I'll see you in TV saving people, right?'
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