This is the story of two kids, one has white hair and sapphire eyes, he's a blue flame in a snow storm - the other kid has blonde hair, yellow diamond eyes and red wings, he's a bird that can't fly.
This is the story of a friendship lost in time
5 months were passed since me and Touya entered the Program, he promised me that a day I would have an autograph of Endeavor and in return I would help him train. I thought it was a good deal.
The trainings were hard, I hardly could do it and Touya gained a new bend every week on his body, I was worried for his health but every time I tried to convince him to take a break we ended up arguing:
Touya: Are you trying to say that I'm weak??
Keigo: No no! I'm just worried! Look at your skin you-
Keigo: I DO CARE Touya -sigh- I do for real, that's why I want to understand why are you trying to burn your body in every training.
Touya: I'll tell you the day you'll understand by yourself, now shut up and help me putting the bend on my arm, birdbrain.
I really didn't understand why he kept hurting his self.
By the way, an evening we were walking towards our dorm, once we arrived there was a bunch of letters on Touya's bed and a card on mine
Keigo: What are those?
He ran across the room and jumped on his bed, I never show him so excited, he started opening the letters.
Touya: My family wrote me! My brothers! Fuyumi wasn't joking when she told me she'd write me every day! What's that card on your bed?
I walked to my bed and I rode the card:
To my son
Hope you're having a good time at the training, I got an apartment and a part-time job.
That's thanks to you I guess, If you'll become a hero remember about me
- Mom
'Whoah' I thought 'My mom...wrote me? Well, she sounded kinda selfish. She didn't even called me by my name...'
Touya: So? Who wrote you?
Keigo: My mother
Touya: You don't sound happy, why?
Keigo: No matter, what did your brothers tell you?
Touya: Family stuff: Shoto learned how to walk, Natsuo almost destroyed the kitchen cooking a cake and Fuyumi protected a boy from a bully at school
Keigo: Woah...your family sounds amazing!
Touya: Thanks...
He looked really happy, that made me forget about mom, he was so cute with a smile.
Keigo: Hey! Tomorrow we have a teams training, we'll stay together, right?
Touya: Of course! You need me birdbrain, and I probably do need a strong partner like you
Touya: Yeah, you have a good potential, your wings are pretty useful
Keigo: Thank you, Touya! I'll go sleep now
Touya: Yeah me too.
We got in our pajamas, made a quick pillow fight , I turned the lights off
Keigo: Touya...
Touya: Yeah?
Keigo: We'll always be friends, right?
Touya: I don't know, I have to think about it
Keigo: Oh...ok, tell me when you're done
Touya: Ok
Touya: Keigo
Keigo: Yeah?
Touya: You'll always be my friend
Keigo: Thank you, Touya. Good night!
Touya: 'Night
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