Chapter 1.

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Trigger Warning !!!!

Jatavia POV
Brooklyn , New York
December 12, 2013

"Jessica I don't know what to do,"  my father paced back and forth. Rubbing his temples and talking to my mom.

"Jermaine already know too damn much about the game," my mom spoke.

Jermaine's my older brother. He's 19.

"Jenescia too grown too,"

Jenescia my older sister. She's 16.

"Jatavia?" My mom questioned.

I heard her from my room. I watched them out the crack of my door. I'm 13.

"If we don't come up with this money we dyin Jess,"

"Not unless we give something up,"

"She's just a baby,"

"Justice she gon have to grow up eventually,"

A tall dark man came inside our house. With two men behind him. A loaded gun and all.

"You better have my money Justice," he walked up close to my dad putting a gun to his head.

I stepped away from the door.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay," Jenescia walked over to me hugging me.

"No it's not," I looked up at her. A tear threatening to come out.

"Hey, no crying, don't cry," she wiped the tear that fell. "That'll show them that you're weak and you're not weak right?"

I nodded.

"You're a big girl. You got this. I'll find you okay? One day in the future I'll find you," she promised me.


"I love you baby sis," my sister hugged me real tight. I didn't understand why.

"I love you too," I hugged her back.

I went downstairs and Jenescia followed me.

"Which one?" The tall man look down at me pointing a gun at the both of us.

"I'll go," Jenescia spoke

"No," my mom grabbed her back.

"Her?" The man looked up at my mom.

"Yes Diddy,"

The man nodded, looking back at the two men behind him signaling for them to grab me. I tried pulling away but I couldn't. Their grip was too strong.

The man named Diddy pointed the gun at my father. His left arm.

*Boom* *Boom*

Two bullets gone through. I squeezed my eyes shut wincing at the sound.

"That's for my money,"

We walked away. They dragged me outside into this van.

Manhattan, New York
September 1, 2020

"What the fuck I say JT? Just fuck the nigga over there and get some money," Von instructed

"It seem sketch Von I'm not playing. Somethings wrong,"

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