Chapter 8.

760 40 44

Megan's POV
Bronx , New York
August 29, 2021

"Good morning baby," Jatavia came to lay back in bed with me , she laid on top of me burying her face in my neck.

"Hi beautiful," I rubbed circles on her back.

"Two more days," she kissed my chin.

We were all packed. We had our tickets and passports and luggage. I have one more mission later and we out.

A few weeks back we got information back about Jatavia's sister. She's alive, she skipped to another country a while back. We finally got in contact with her and we're going to meet her in a few weeks. Before we meet her we're going to go on our little vacation in Hawaii first.

Miami want her all to herself which we agreed to after Jatavia gets some catch up time first.

Latto been doing real good music wise. She also told us she found a way to get out of the game, which is real good for her career.

Cardi and Diamonté are good too, they both done with niggas so they say. They upstarted a business that they've been investing themselves to.

"I'm so happy I found you," I looked down at her.

"I'm happy you ain't kill my ass," she laughed.

"Gimmie kiss,"

"Don't get all gushy on me," she brought my chin down and placed her lips on mine.

"You like it,"

"I know," she traced her hand over my stomach. Her hand hugged over my boobs kissing them.

"I can't wait to fuck you in different continents," she laughed.

"Fuck me right now," I licked my lips.

"You nasty, later you know we got shit to do," she pushed me away.

"Let me just..." I crawled on top of her pulling myself up.

"Stop it baby you know my pussy get way too wet with you,"

"Let me play in it ma," I kissed on her neck.

She pushed me off and got on top of me. I could feel her spot all warm.

"I like looking at you from this angle," she pinned my arms up and rocked back and forth on me.

"You know we gon get married right?" She spoke again.

I couldn't help but smile. She laid on top of me burying her face in my neck again.

"You already my wife," I rubbed up and down her back. I closed my eyes. Being with her is all I could ask for.

My phone started going off. It was Latto. JT sucked her teeth.

"What's up sis?" I answered.

"Nas got one last mission for you,"

I hung up , ready to get dressed.

"This my last one," I kissed Jatavias lips.

"Let me come with you,"

"Mmm fine,"

We both got dressed. Baggy black sweats, black ski mask, black gloves, my gold chain and my black hoodie. Jatavia put her red ski mask , and her gloves and what not.

We went into my car ready to go.

I showed up at the garage. This is really where I wasted majority of my life. This place saved me though. If I didn't have this I would've died. Out on the street I probably would've starved.

I was alone. Nas helped me out, I helped him and now I'm done. And I'm glad he respects that. This is his life but I can't do it anymore.

I walked in. Jatavia said that she'd chill in the car a little before she come inside, maybe walk around the block before coming in. We gotta return belongings and basically guarantee him we won't go snitching.

"What's up Nas," I walked into his office. "Latto said you have one last task for me,"

He looked over at me.
"You sure you wanna leave Stalli?"

I nodded. "This is it for me, you got a mission for me or nah?"

"You got one more chance,"

"Here's all your shit," I placed the duffel bag on his desk.

"Goodbye Stalli,"

"Goodbye Nas," I walked out of the room. Making my way to the garage.

I saw Latto. I looked over to my car Jatavia must've taken a step out she said she'd probably take a walk.

"What's up Latto, I'm done there's no mission," I walked up closer.

"I know," she walked closer to me too.

She held a gun up to me. Filling the distance between us. A .357 SIG.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Alyssa what the hell are you doing?" I spoke lowly. Not wanting to cause a scene.

"I love you Megan, I'm so sorry,"

Before I could think I felt 3 shots split through my chest. I felt the cold of the pavement on the back of my scalp.

I heard footsteps walk from me.

"You're free," I heard Nas' voice. He was speaking to someone it had to be Latto, because it wasn't me.

After footsteps took off I laid there. Unable to move, that'd only cause more blood to leak from my body.

"MEGAN!" I heard Jatavias voice echo through the garage.

"Baby? Baby can you hear me," I felt Jatavias warm hands on my face. I felt one of her hands trying to cover my wounds.

I couldn't move. I had no more strength.

"Go," I coughed up.

I know that Nas would have Latto kill her too if she stays.

"No I won't leave you," I felt a tear of hers drop. "I can't, you can't leave me Megan you can't,"

"Go," I repeated. "I love you," my eyes began to close. I had no more control of myself.

"I love you too," I heard her voice crack "I'm in love with you," I felt her touch, her lips kiss the top of my forehead, another one of her tears spilled from her eyes.

I'm in love with you too

I thought to myself.

I could feel my body shutting down.

Before she left, I could feel her removing the chain from around my neck, it would be hers now.

My breathing slowed. Memories of my whole life flashed before me. Everything that lead up until now. Every reason that lead up to my life being as short as it was.


The end <3
(ima make an epilogue don't worry)

Don't be mad at me yall 🥺

I hope y'all enjoyed this lil story

What do y'all think?

Latto (Alyssa)




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