Chapter 2.

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Megan's POV
Bronx , New York
October 30, 2020

I was still getting used to Jatavia in my crib 24/7. As far as I'm concerned she hasn't left the crib without me, I convinced her not to. It's only been damn near 2 months and I've been keeping her busy. I have yet to think of something I mean I can't keep her locked up in here.

"You goin into work today?" She asked as she came from upstairs.

"Nah I'm meeting up with one of my friends,"

"Oh? You have friends? Since when?"

"Shut up, we've been friends for a while we just have spoken,"

"Mhm and what am I posed to do? You should let me work with you," she smiled all in my face.

Before I got a chance to say no for the 10th time this week she spoke again.

"Your boss would never know who I am. I'll never mention me staying here okay? I know how to handle myself this is the only thing I know how to do anyways,"

I considered. Maybe in the near future but right how is way too soon.

"Maybe , in the future okay?"

"I'm taking that as a yes. 2 months."

She's a negotiator I see.
"2 months,"

"Woooooo," she danced and spun around me. "Which one of your lame friends you seein?"

"She not lame, her names Alyssa. We been tight since highschool, and she in the game too,"

"Why you in this game Jo? I see your certifications and diplomas and shit. You too smart for all this," she laid across my couch resting her head in my lap.

"Well I need the money. It's good money. My mom passed and after that I couldn't keep up with the bills. I was out on the street for a little until Nas found me. Helped me out , I finished graduating and here I am,"

"What was your mom like?"

"She was funny, light-heated and kind. She's part of the reason I can be soft at times,"

"She's the reason you got heart?"

I nodded.

Jatavia smiled a little, I could get used to her smile it was pretty. I can tell she's already comfortable around me and it's only been a little while. But I'm comfortable with her small self too.

"She's also the reason I'm so smart, and we gon start reading this book," I reached for the new book I just checked out from the library.

"Jo I don't wanna read that,"

"Well we are, we gon start slow and eventually you'll be able to read me to sleep," I teased.

"Yeah yeah whatever, what about your dad?"

"Well my dad, he's where I get my hustle from. He the reason I'm so hard. If he weren't in my life —even though he wasn't in it for long, I wouldn't have the guts to do what I do now,"

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know, I think he died. That's what I tell myself anyways. What about you?"

Her eyes looked up at me as I looked down at her. She was still laying her head in my thighs and playing with my hands.

She talk about me being soft but look at her.

"What about me?"

"Parents? Siblings?"

"I wasn't really close to my parents. Or my brother, but my sister Jenescia, she was my best friend. When this man was taking me my sister promised me she'd find me. I remember that was the last day I cried. She told me that shit makes me weak,"

You got heart (GxG) short storyWhere stories live. Discover now