Post credits: Sirius plans a murder

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One lonely and sorrowful man can be found in a remote wizarding prison located on an island in the North Sea. His name is Sirius Black, and he is imprisoned for something he never did. Sirius Black never killed Peter Pettigrew along with twelve muggles. Sirius Black never betrayed Poseidon, Lily and little Harriet. And Sirius Black certainly never served Lord Voldemort. Make no mistake, these crimes were committed, but not by Sirius Black. By Peter Pettigrew.

It was Peter Pettigrew all along. Peter Pettigrew served Lord Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew betrayed Poseidon, Lily and little Harriet. Peter Pettigrew faked his own death killing twelve muggles in the process.

And the rat was still free. Sirius hadn't been sure about that at first. At first, he had assumed Pettigrew had actually killed him self along with those muggles. But then the Minister of Magic had shown up for an inspection. And with him came a number of the Daily Prophet.

Arthur Weasley had won seven hundred gallons and taken the family to Egypt to visit their oldest son. The oldest son was, however, of the least interest for Sirius. His interest was on the youngest son. He would be going back to Hogwarts in September, along with his pet.

Pettigrew was hiding at Hogwarts. Where Harriet would be in autumn. They could even be in the same common room.

Sirius dreaded what could happen if, or when Lord Voldemort would arise.

Harriet had a parentage few knew the truth of, Sirius remembered how she as a baby made a tap explode from water pressure and then being the only thing in the room who was still dry. Only a glimpse of the power she would possess when she grew older. But Peter knew who her father really was. If he were to decide he could gain something from it, then he was already in a position where he could easily stab her in the back before she even realised he wasn't actually her classmate's pet rat. While Peter may have grown greedy for power, he would know better than to underestimate the daughter of a sea god.

Sirius had read the paper time and time again, and with each time he felt his rage grow. He would put an end to it. He had been imprisoned for killing Peter Pettigrew, and he was now planning to do so, no matter the cost. He had nothing left to loose, after all.

He was currently a big black dog. Ironically fitting, since the star he was named after was nicknamed the dog star and his surname was, well, Black. He wasn't so big anymore, though. That's what Azkaban does to you. The dementors drives you insane to the point you're only a shell of your past self on the brink of death.


That would be a release from this gods forsaken prison, and the only person who knew about the real threat being free and in hiding.

He could die once Pettigrew had suffered a well deserved violent death first.

His malnourished body could be an advantage to get through these bars.

When the door opened to slip him his food, he slipped past them in stead. Before the dementors could recompose, he ran. He had been right. His thin dog body allowed him to get through the bars.

Sirius thoughts cleared slightly once he jumped and landed in sea water. He swam towards some cliffs a few hundred meters from the island the prison was built on.

Changing back to a man, Sirius looked frankly around for any sort of landmark. Had he been a bit more mentally stable at the moment he could perhaps have used the stars to navigate, but there was no point in even trying that. It was a cloudy night. Instead, Sirius used the only means to navigate that he could think of. He dipped his hand in the cold but welcoming water. (Well it's welcoming if you're friends with the right people...)

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