32. Athena can parent as well

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Percy showed us how to pack a pegas as we waited for Harriet. There wasn't much to pack, really. I had my bag containing the map, a first aid package, two sets of clothes, three bottles filled with nectar and twenty drachmas. Severus had his own bag with utilities. And Harri had her bag with whatever she had deemed necessary, and her new jar of dirt.

"Now, I don't think I've ever seen you before. Are you new at camp?"

It took me a few seconds before I realised he was talking to me.

"Oh, yes! I'm new." I extended my hand. "Draco Malfoy, I'm in the same year as Harri. I don't know if she might have mentioned me?"

"No, I don't think she has. I'm Percy Jackson, Harri's older brother." He shook my hand.

"Yeah, I know. I've heard a lot about you."

"Really? Hope it wasn't too horrible stuff?"

"No, quiet the opposite, actually."

"Oh, that's even worse!" Percy smirked.

After a few more minutes Harri came walking towards us. One strand of hair was soaking wet. She had a coin in her hand but she pocketed it before I could see if it was a gallon or a drachma.

"Hi, are we ready to go?" she asked. Her mood seemed to have improved since the talk with her dad.

"Patience, little Bubbles, we're almost ready to go," Percy told her.

He hugged her tightly for a moment and then took his time to look her up and down. He smiled.

"You've grown since last summer. That broom soccer game seems to be paying off."

"Quidditch!" Harri moaned but Percy just smiled playfully at her. "But most games was canceled due to a dangerous creature being let loose."

Percy furrowed his brow.

"Are you gonna tell me what exactly happened?"

"Yes, sure! Later. Can we go now?"


We rode the Pegasi back to Manhattan where we stopped at a cafe, since Percy suspected that in order to get to Olympus as quick as possible we had "neglected our basic need to eat". I would have protested if he wasn't right. And the bagel I got was delicious.

"Also I have to stop by the jeweler at the mall," Percy told us while I drank my smoothie. "An order I'd placed has arrived and I have to pick it up. You guys don't mind coming along, do you?"

"No, no! We can check out the other stores while you're at the jewelry store," Harri said. She had a mustache from her milkshake.

Percy chuckled while he grabbed a tissue to rub it off. This annoyed her.

"Hey! I can do that by myself!" She tried to wave him away as if he was a fly.

Percy looked at his little sister with mock confusion.

"What do you mean? You're just my little five year old sister, I have to help you."

Harri fought to look angry while trying not to laugh. Percy giggled.

"You can go rampage in the other stores if you want, but I want you two," he pointed between us, "to stick together."

"Okay!" we agreed.

While Percy went to the jeweller's, Harriet and I had a look in the other muggle shops with Severus waiting on everyone outside.

"Hey! How do I look in this?" Harri asked.

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