4 My mom offers tea and drops a bomb

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The only time my family ever goes to King's Cross Station is when they drops me of at platform 9 3/4 were I board the Hogwarts Express that takes me to Hogwarts. What Potter and Snape was doing here if they were going to New York in the USA was beyond me. Was there another platform with the number 9 1/2 where you could find a magic train that would take you over the Atlantic to another train station in America? Because if so, I didn't know about it.

Potter and Snape had landed at the crossing of York Way and Railway St. Snape pulled out his wand and pointed it at their brooms.


The brooms shrank and the two put them in their trunks. I followed their example and ran after them as they entered a muggle coffee shop named Starbucks Coffee. I sat down two tables away from them and pretended to read the menu.

Keyword; pretended. I wasn't planing on actually get anything since they most likely would not accept sickles and I didn't have any muggle currency. Besides, it was impossible to read the melted together letters above the cashier anyway. I instead tried to ignore my hunger after a whole day of broom flying, and listening into Potter and Snape.

"Why did we have to meet Annabeth at King's cross of all places? Not that I'm complaining."

Potter took a bite of her scone.

"Because, from here, we can use the floo powder to get to New York via the Ministry of Magic. There is a wood fireplace in one of these shops that's connected to the floo network for wizarding families who drops their children off every September."

"Okay, so when's Annabeth going to be here?"

"Around half past three."

"At three thirty?"

"If you speak American English, yes."

"A lot of people has made that comment."

"That is because you are speaking with an American accent. But who can blame you? Your American family were the only ones that bothered to actually raise you until you were eleven."

Snape shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.

My stomach grovelled. I really should have brought some lunch with me. But I didn't and I didn't have the right currency to buy anything at this place! You know how you sometimes realise you should have done something different only when it is too late to do it differently? Yeah, that moment was one of those times for me.


At first I thought I had been spotted, but turning around, there was my mum. Then I remembered that I was caught skipping school as well.


I am pretty sure that it is rude to just grab someone's mouth just like that. But it didn't stop my mum.

"I think you want to avoid screaming out loud. Potter and Snape is going to notice you otherwise. I'm here to talk to you."

She sat down at the table and removed her hand.

"So, how are you doing? After what happened?"

I just starred at her. This was not what you said to your kid when you caught them doing stuff they're not supposed to be doing. She moved on.

"You look hungry. I brought some tea and scones with me. I figured you wouldn't have eaten anything since before you flew away from Hogwarts this morning."

She grabbed her purse and pulled out a bag filled with scones along with a bread knife and two plates. I was handed a scone with raspberry jam and cream cheese. It was delicious. Especially considering Mum was right about when I last ate anything.

"I've got tea as well. Do you want green herbs or with a taste of strawberry?"

She held up two different teabags. I pointed at one and got a teacup filled with hot water. I put the teabag in the teacup.

"Mum, how did you know I would be here? And why aren't you angry about me not being at school?"

My mum looked exhausted when she leaned back in her chair. Like the weight of the whole world lied on her shoulders and she couldn't keep it up much longer.

"I have my sources, Draco. And you following these two," she gestured towards Potter and Snape who was both still enjoying their scones and coffee(probably tea in Potter's case). "It's probably for the best, anyway."

"W-what do you mean?"

Mum signed.

"Listen, Draco. We don't have that much time before you have to move on, and this will most likely be hard for you to process. You have to go with Harriet Potter, you can keep each other safe during the upcoming time ahead of you."

I glanced over at the girl in question. Potter had finished her scone and was sipping her tea. She seemed to be observing the many muggles outside of the shop. Her green eyes shone with curiosity behind her glasses. But the only reason for that was that she didn't look at me. Whenever our eyes met, her eyes would instead hold a mixture of disgust and annoyance. She looked at me like that for the first time almost two years ago on the Hogwarts Express on our way to start our first year. I had offered my friendship and she rejected me. I could not see how the two of us would ever protect each other in real life.

Mum must have read my mind.

"I know it may sound unlikely, but you're both destined for great things. And the gods think you're meant to do it together. If you stick to her, you won't regret it."

Only one thing stuck to me.

"'The gods', mum what do you mean? Have you been in contact with the Olympians?"

"I've been in contact two of them. Thought, one of them was only indirectly."

Mum looked over at Potter and Snape again. They had both finished their scones and while I had focused on mum, they had gotten company. The third person had blond hair and was dressed in an orange t-shirt that was not optimal if you wanted to be discreet. She looked like she was in her early twenties from what I could tell.

"They'll leave soon, but before you go, there is one thing you need to know."

I looked back at her.

"You were not exactly born within wedlock. You were an affair baby."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sorry, Draco. Everything will make sense eventually, I promise. I love you..."

Then she apparated away, leaving me all alone.

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