33. Lucius can not, so we break his arm

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The first thing I did when we got back to camp was write a letter to my mum, well, stepmum, technically. Hattie let me borrow her owl, Hedwig, to send it. She was a nice owl, Peter and I spent half an hour engaging in her discussion about whether the bacon is best served extra crispy, or if it is best when the meat is still a little soft. (She had rather strong opinions about that.) We were sadly interrupted when Annabeth opened the door to our cabin.

She had a somewhat disturbed look on her face. Like when something really catches you off guard. She watched Hedwig fly off with the letter before turning to me. That couldn't be good.

"Draco, you have a visitor at the big house."

"Wha- a visitor?"

I had no idea who could possibly want to go all the way to America to pay me a visit. Peter and Annabeth led me to the Big House. Chiron stood on the Deck trying to reason with someone but with little luck. When we got closer and the man behind the centaur came into view I saw who it was, and he did not look happy to see me...

My head hung low as I approached him.

"Hi... father..."

Lucius looked like he was trying to strangle me with his glaring alone.

"So this is where you decided to reside for the past week? Is that boarding school no longer meeting your standards, perhaps? You thought it was a great idea to run away across the Atlantic to mess with the deities from Greece and see where that would lead you?"

He didn't shout like he did in the howler he sent me. Instead he spoke in a deadly calm voice, which was even worse. I gulped.

"You haven't got anything to say for yourself?" he asked and I could feel how I practically shrunk under his gaze.

Suddenly he grabbed my forearm and yanked me forward.

"You will look at me while I speak to you, young man," he growled. "Just wait until we get back home, you won't see the sun until you go back to school. You can count yourself lucky the end of the year exams was cancelled this year or you would have suffered a much worse- OUCH!!!"

Peter had grabbed my father's elbow from where he stood to the side and held him in an iron grip. The pain forcing Lucius to let go of my arm. Peter sent him a murderous glare.

"Watch your words, Mr. Malfoy, if you only came here to insult and threaten Draco, I suggest you leave our camp. While all your bones are still intact."

I was surprised by this side of Peter. He was surely one of the most empathetic demigods at camp, and yet, when Lucius treated me badly his immediate response was to threaten to break his bones. And one look at him assured me he would indeed make true to his word.

I looked over at my big sister. Annabeth didn't seem startled at our brother's outburst at all. She actually looked like she was ready to help him snap some of those bones where she stood with her hand on her sword handle.

My father growled.

"And who, exactly, might you be?"

"We are Draco's half siblings," Peter told him, "now how shall we have it?"

He squeezed Lucius arm a little extra to make his point clear.

"Half siblings, you say?" Lucius said slowly as if solving a jigsaw puzzle.

"We are Athena's children," Annabeth clarified.

Lucius looked bewildered. He met my gaze.

"They have told you?" he asked though he clearly knew the answer.

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