The Party-(& the mourning of regret that came after)

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"It's time for the big celebration. I heard there'll be cake." 

Wilbur jostled his bags laying by the staircase door, until he finally pulled out a shiny glowing scroll. "Are we leaving?" Asked Tommy as Wilbur quickly jogged down the stairs. 

"Yep, I put the runes right here."

Pointing to the floor of the downstairs shop, Tommy realized his older brother was right. Scribbles and Doodles lay upon the wooden planks, and, with Wilbur's appearance, they started to faintly glow. "Well?" Asked the brunette. "Let's go!" 

Stepping into the scriptures, they glowed brightly, and then, like the world was bending around them, they were gone.

Wilbur walked out of the designated portal section, relieved to see that guests were still showing up and that they weren't late. 

But when he turned around, expecting to see Tommy's clumsy stumbling out of his portal, he realized something. 

He wasn't there. 

And he wouldn't be there at all.

 Because of the main ballroom where he was supposed to end up, Tomathy Gold ended up somewhere very different. He was at the table of royals room. 

And they thought he was the scribe.

In the end they dieWhere stories live. Discover now