Milwaukee trip 2

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Richie; well this is your room

Aurianna; ohh wow it's really pink in here

Richie; see this used to be my little sisters room but she lives in chicago now so she doesn't need this room anymore

Aurianna; well thank you for showing me my room richie

Richie; your welcome oh fonzie will be back on Wednesday

Aurianna; thank you

Richie; you are welcome

*richie leaves the room

Aurianna's phone rings

Aurianna; hi mom

Leather; hi sweetie did you make it to Milwaukee

Aurianna; yes i did but fonzie won't be back until Wednesday so it's barely friday omma

Leather; so sorry i should of asked mrs. Cunningham about fonzie my love i apologize

Aurianna; it's ok now i better get some rest

Leather; ok bye i love you

Aurianna; i love you too mom bye

Leather; bye

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