wedding day part 1

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*Aurianna voice over*
IT'S OUR WEDDING DAY!!!!!! Yaaaaay the day i married my best friend peter logan weber and today i get to become Mrs. Weber epppp now on to the story*

*at the wedding venue*
Aurianna; i feel like a princess and a one who's getting married

*potsie walks in running*

Potsie; Aurianna i need your help

Aurianna; with what

Potsie; i want to remarry Stefani

Aurianna; okay but can you please do it when it's not the most important day of your son's life getting married to me QwQ

Potsie; okay i will

Aurianna; thank you

*potsie walks out*

Leather; awww my daughter looks so beautiful

Aurianna; thanks mom

Leather; your welcome sweetie

Fonzie; aww my one and only daughter is getting married

Leather; it is true they do grow up fast

Aurianna; please don't start crying i just did my makeup to late *starts crying*

*10 minutes later*
Ralph; are you guys ready yet

Aurianna; Yes were ready

Ralph; good

Aurianna; ready dad

Fonzie; ready

*at the alter*

*Peter's POV*
I get to marry my best friend today she will look beautiful walking down the isle then she'll be mrs. Weber like i always dreamt of this day and today is finally the day * End of peter's POV*

See you guys in the next chapter the official wedding Part 2!

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