finding out!!!!!!!

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*Aurianna voice over*
Hello everyone long time no see but this is the chapter where i find out that i am pregnant with baby #2 and omg i was not expecting to get pregnant just months after me and peter's wedding so basically i was pregnant in our honeymoon now on to the story *end of Aurianna voice over*

*in the bathroom*

Aurianna; omg i can believe I'm doing this right now ahhhh I'm so freaking nervous yikes okay you know what I'm just going to do it

*20 minutes later*

Aurianna; omg it's time to look I'm so nervous ahhh

Pregnancy test ||

Aurianna; *starts crying* I'm pregnant there's a little baby in me again cece is going to be a big sister

*in Aurianna's room*
Aurianna; cece your going to be a big sister

Cece; big sis

Aurianna; ya i have baby in my belly

Cece; mama has a baby

Aurianna; ya I'm going to have a baby tomorrow where telling daddy

*Cece giggles*

Aurianna; i love you my child

*Aurianna kisses cece*

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