father and son conversation

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*Peter voice over*
This chapter is where my dad, fonzie, richie, and ralph talk to me about me and aurianna taking a break from seeing each other and it's driving me crazy i really just want to kiss her but i can't so now on to the story*

Potsie; son...

Peter; yes dad

Potsie; can me, richie, fonzie, and ralph talk to you

Peter; sure

Fonzie; well i noticed something that you and aurianna are not seeing each other is everything ok

Richie; the same thing happened to me and lori beth

Ralph; the girls only liked me for my funny jokes

Potsie; what the guys are trying to say is that we noticed that you and aurianna aren't seeing eachother but we want to know why

Peter; ok well remember when i dumped aurianna infront of all of you and i said we should see other people

Potsie, ralph, fonzie, and richie; ya

Peter; well the date with the hopper triplets daughter's was a disaster they didn't like me at all because they already knew i was dating Aurianna and they also know about cece and they didn't like that i suggest that me and aurianna to see other people and they got mad at me and then are date was over

Ralph; well some girls don't like that they think your cheating on your girlfriend because that's disrespectful

Ritchie; ya

Peter; but i want to say one more thing

Potsie; what is it

Peter; I want to marry aurianna

Fonzie; WHAT!!!!

Peter; ya i know but she is really the one and besides we want to have another baby but only when we get married so ya

Fonzie; let me think about it ok

Peter; ya sure

Fonzie; thank you

Peter; but i really feel like your daughter is really the one fonz

Fonzie; really?

Peter; ya she's really beautiful and the sweetest person I've ever met so i really can't wait for your decision

Fonzie; i don't think i need to decide anymore you have my blessing to marry my daughter

Peter; REALLY!!!!

Fonzie; yes

*Peter hugs fonzie*

Fonzie; ok ok let's be cool

Peter; sorry i lost my cool there for a minute

Fonzie; ya you did

*Peter laughs*

Potsie; my son is getting married to a beautiful girl he loves

Ralph; yep and where all here for you

Ritchie; us guys got to stick together

Peter, potsie, Ralph, fonzie; yep

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