mom's coming

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*Aurianna voice over*
Hello it's me again haha so anyways today is Thursday and my mom is coming so this is the part where fonzie and leather tell me why there divorced and tommorow peter's mom comes to visit i can't wait to meet her haha leather is gonna be so mad at potsie for saying that my parents are divorced without telling me so enjoy the chapter

*leather knocks on door*

Aurianna; ohhh I'll get it

Mrs. Cunningham; thanks sweetie

Aurianna; your welcome

*Aurianna opens the door*

Aurianna; MOM

Leather; come give me a hug

*Aurianna hugs leather*

Ralph; leather long time no see

Leather; hi Ralph

Potsie; leather

Leather; hi potsie

Richie; leather omg hi i haven't seen you since you where pregnant with aurianna

Leather; nice to see you again richie oh and btw do you guys still have a name for your band

Richie; haha no

Leather; i figured

Fonzie; ayyyy leather come here give me a kiss

Aurianna; no mom how about you hug him and tell me why you didn't tell me you guys were divorced

Leather; how'd you know that

Potsie; it accidentally slipped out

Leather; she wasn't supposed to know until she was like 20

Aurianna; that long

Leather; aurianna please go upstairs to your room and me and fonzie will be there in just a minute to explain everything

*Aurianna voice over*
Well they gave me a long talk about why they wanted to get divorced before i could walk or talk and there will be another chapter for that but the following weekend my ex-boyfriend hrvy is going to visit me and in our anniversary chapter he told me some shocking news well just keep reading to see what it is and on friday i meet peter's mom stefanie well let's say it didn't go very well she almost tried to fight me because well in the next chapter it will be explained haha and the top of my head still hurts peter's mom hit me with a hydroflask owwww how rude anyways on to the next chapter where i meet peter's mom who tried to fight me *angry sign*

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