Chapter Eleven

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The whole ride back to my apartment, I was crying hysterically. I couldn’t remember anything that happened last night. I woke up cuddling with Harry? But we were wearing our clothing still, so obviously nothing sexual happened. So why did Niall have to punch Harry in the face, poor Harry, oh god this is all so terrible. What have I done?

 I walked into my apartment and fell on the couch, and pet Mr. Poppers who loved my company. I was almost asleep when I heard my phone buzzing; I leapt up to get my phone out of my purse, hoping it was Niall. But I didn’t recognize the phone number, but I answered anyways.



“Yes, who is this?”

“It’s Harry.”

“Harry!? What happened last night!”

“You got really drunk and just passed out on the couch. I must have fallen asleep after you and subconsciously laid next to you. I’m so sorry Rosemarie.”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

“I’m at the hospital right now, but I don’t have anywhere to crash tonight, do you have an extra room?”

“Oh god! Are you okay? And yeah sure.”

“Just a broken nose, and thank you so much. I’ll find a hotel tomorrow.”

“Okay, I’ll text you my address.”

“Thanks again Rosemarie.”

“No problem Harry.”

 I picked up a couple things around my apartment before Harry got there, but to honest I wasn’t in the mood to impress anyone. I decided to do something that always seems to take my mind off of things; I went into the kitchen and started baking. I was almost finished with the batter when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to answer door and graceful tripped over my coffee table and landed with a huge thud on the floor.

“You okay in there?” I heard Harry say from outside the door.

“Yeah…just hang on.” I picked myself up and walked over to the door. I opened the door and saw that Harry had a white thing covering his nose.

“Jeez! That doesn’t look good.” Harry started to laugh. I must have made a funny face.

“Are you going to invite me in, or should I sleep in the hallway?” I smiled and stepped off to the side to let Harry pass by me.

“I like your place” he said looking around.

“Oh, thanks its kind of small but it works for me. Uh, your room is the last door down the hall on the right. I’m just baking some cookies, so make yourself at home.”

“Okay, thanks again Rosemarie.”

“No problem Harry.” Harry walked down the hall to his room and turned into the kitchen and started scooping the cookies. Harry came back into the kitchen and asked if I had any pain medication.

“Yeah, its in this cabinet.” I pointed to the cabinet right in front of me, but realized I had cookie dough all over my hands so I didn’t want to open the cabinet.

“Oh, uh, here let me” Harry said moving right next to me and leaning over to open the cabinet. I smelled his cologne, it was subtle but it smelled so good. He pulled the medicine out, stepped back, grabbed a glass of water and took the medicine. 

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