Chapter Fifteen

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Eventually my mind rested and I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up it was light out. I heard the crackling of bacon from the kitchen and I heard Harry quietly singing a song I didn’t recognize. I layed there for a minute listening to Harry deep voice quietly singing, and smelled the sweet aroma of bacon.

I finally got up and threw on a pair of yoga pants and one of my favorite sweatshirts. I then went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my glasses on.

 I went into the kitchen and Harry was wearing a pair of sweats with no shirt.

“Hey!” He smiled, happy to see me “I figure I’d make you breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay here on such short notice.”

“Thanks so much! And it’s no problem.” I took a seat at the kitchen table where Harry had set the table, with the vase of roses he got me placed in the center of the table. We were talking when I heard a knock on the door. I gave Harry a funny look because I wasn’t expecting any guests today.

 I swung the door open and saw Niall stand there his face was essentially emotionless.

“Can we talk?” Niall said abruptly.

“Um, yeah, come in.” I said stepping to the side so Niall could come in. I could tell he saw Harry, but he didn’t say anything to him. Harry took his plate and disappeared into the spare bedroom while Niall and I took a seat on the couch.

“So, you and Harry?” Niall asked.

“Well, not really. He just needed a place to crash last night.” I explained.

“Oh, well we need to talk about us then.” Niall said with his face slowly getting more serious.

“Yeah,” I paused as I planned what I was going to say, “I don’t think it’s going to work out Niall.” That was when I heard something hit the floor in the spare room.

Harry stuck his head out the door “My bad! Dropped my fork!” he said and then disappeared back into his room. I tried so hard not to laugh or smile, but it was so cute.

“I agree with you.” Niall said quickly. “I had a lot of fun with you Rosemarie, but I just don’t know. I just didn’t feel any connection.”

I smiled with relief. “Good, so are we okay?”

“Yes, of course!” Niall smiled then leaned forward and gave me a hug.

“So, you and Madison?” I said winking at Niall. His smile widened and his cheeks turned red.

“Well, yeah, I think so.”

“That’s awesome Niall! I’m upset that I didn’t get to talk to her too much the other night!”

“Well, she’s in the car waiting if you want to chat for a bit. I want to talk to Harry anyways.” He said enthusiastically.

“Oh! Sure! Invite her up!” Niall then took out his phone and called Madison and invited her up.

“No, yeah, she’s cool with it. Yeah, we are okay now. Just come up she wants to talk to you!” Niall said into his phone before hanging it up and looking at me again.

“Thank you Rosemarie.”

“What for?” I asked confused.

“Well, after you told me how we hardly knew each other before we had sex and stuff. It really got me thinking and now Madi and I are getting to know each other before we do anything. And its amazing, so thank you for opening my eyes.”

“Niall! That’s great! I’m so incredibly happy for you.” I said and gave him a hug. Then there was a knock on my door and I jumped up and answered the door.

 “Hey, um, Niall said you wanted to talk to me?” She asked nervously.

“Yeah, come on in! I promise I’m not going to hurt you!” I laughed and Madi’s face softened.

Niall walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek before going into the spare bedroom to talk to Harry.

“Where’s he going?” Madi asked.

“Oh, Harry is here and he’s going to talk to him.”

“Ooooo,” Madi smiled and gave me a look.

“Noo, it’s not like that!” I laughed.

“Really? Because I saw the looks Harry was giving you the other night”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Every time I would talk to him he would be stealing glances at you.” She laughed “You didn’t notice?”

I laughed awkwardly, “No, I didn’t even notice!”

“Girl!” she yelled.

“What?! I’m serious!”

“He likes you, I can tell.”

“Well, last night he came into my room and said he really liked me, ‘more than friends’” I said in a hushed voice.

“NO WAY!” she yelled back in a quiet way. I started to blush and she said “If it matters, I think you two would be great together.”

“Thanks Madi.” I said quietly. I really liked her, so we exchanged phone numbers and she told me to keep her updated on the ‘Harry situation’. Then the boys walked out of the spare room laughing.

“Hey Madi! Ready to go!” Niall said.

“Sure!” Madi jumped up and walked over to the door.

“Bye Rosemarie, good luck.” Niall winked at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I just laughed awkwardly, unsure of why he said good luck, but I didn’t think too much of it. Niall is weird. Then Niall grabbed Madi’s hand and they left, reassuring that we would see them soon. I closed the door and felt a wave of relief wash over me, I was so happy that Niall was okay with everything. And Madi is such a sweetheart, now I could focus on Harry, who was standing in front of me smiling.

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