Chapter 10

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Tera's P.O.V

As soon as we reached I headed straight to my room, which I was sharing with Skylar. I dumped my suitcase on the floor and ran to the bed, I really wanted to sleep before going swimming. I didn't get much sleep last night, since the bed was really uncomfortable and constant loud sounds could be heard outside.

Mia's P.O.V

Jade went swimming when Ashton called us, but I had to decline because I wanted to call my mum to tell her everything was alright, and that we reached safely. She was probably freaking out because I didn't call her sooner, but I just completely forgot.
I quickly died her number and waited for her to pick up, while bitting my finger nails.
"Mia!! I was so worried and I called you so many times but you never picked up. Are you ok? Gosh, never do that to me again. I almost had a heart attach." She shouted on the phone.
I flinched and held my phone further away form my ears, because it felt like it was going to explode from the way my mum was shouting.
"Sorry mum, but there was no signal and when we reached the hotel I was so tired that I had to go to bed." I said, purposely leaving out the part when Jade's car broke down and that 4 teenage boys decided to give us a ride. If my mum found out about that, then I get grounded and get a long lecture about speaking to strangers and how dangerous it is.
I had a long conversation with my mum about how I was doing, and more random things.

When I ended the call I felt in need of a shower.
I entered the bathroom, and was quite surprised at the way it looked. It smelt of lavender and the walls were lilac and it had candles by the jacuzzi. I was so tempted to use it but I decided it would take to long so I decided to have a shower instead.
As soon the the warm water hit my shoulder, I felt relaxed. It was like heaven after being in a van for a day, and sleeping in a uncomfortable bed.

Coming out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me securly. I entered the room and was quite shocked to see everyone there.

"I like All Time Low too." Luke said, with a smirk.
I was sure my face was heating up, because I remembered singing in the shower. I quickly looked down. 'Oh god,' I thought, 'Could this get any better. First I walk in a room with boys in, wrapped in nothing but a towel and then Mr Gorgeous Eyes hears me sing in my not-so-great voice.'
I gave an awkward laugh and quickly grabed some clothes and heded back to the shower to change.

When I re-entered the room everyone was laughing, exept for Michael and Skylar.

Jade's P.O.V

When all of us got boared of swimming, I decided to go to my room to play Truth or Dare. After changing everyone come to our room to play 'Truth or Dare'. I knew Mia was in the shower since I could hear water running.

"I'll go first." Tera said, she spun the bottle and it landed on Luke."Truth or dare?"

"Umm Truth." he decided

"Okay, this is an easy one, do you like anyone at this current moment?"

"Umm maby."

"Who?" Calum asked, with both eyebrows raised

"I already answered a question." Luke spun the bottle and it landed on Ashton, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" he repilrd

"I dare you to eat ketchup, mustard and chocolate sauce all at the same time."

Once Ashton sat back down he gave Luke a deah stare.

"Now I know who to puke on." he galred at Luke, and he gave a sheepish  look back.

The game carried on like this, with everyone giving disgusting dares.
I spun the bottle and it landed on Calum.
"Truth or Dare Calum?" I asked
"Umm dare." He replied
"Humm lets see..... I dare you to slap that scary looking man out there." I said pointing out the window towards a man, who was sitting by the pool, with lots of muscles and tattoos, he looked really aggressive.
"Dam it, should have picked truth." He whispered under his breath.

We all laughed as we looked out the window, Calum was bitting his nails, he looked like he was shitting himself.

When Calum came running back he glared at Ashton who was videoing the whole thing. He sat back down wincing because of his ankle.
When Calum slapped the man, on top of his bald head, he ran back to the room so fast, before the man could turn around that he twisted his ankle.
"I'm never picking dare again." He said rubbing his probably sore foot.

He spun the bottle so fast, that it spun twice and then it landed on Michael.
"Truth or Dare Michael?" He asked with a cheeky smile.
"Dare." Michael replied easily, just like he did whenever it was his turn.
"I dare you to sleep in the same room as Skylar tonight." He said, as everyone broke out in fits of laughter.

Mia's P.O.V

Everyone was laughing except for Michael and Skylar.
"What's going on?" I asked, as I sat down next to Tera and Ashton
"Calum ...... Dared Michael to sleep in the same room as Skylar tonight." Jade said laughing.
I started laughing as well, I couldn't wait to see how this would turn out.
"Yeah haha very funny," Michael said sarcastically, " I thought you were my fried Cal" he shook his head at Calum
"Well you did play all those pranks on me" he replied back, still smirking

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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