Searching for a new job

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All of the butlers gathered at Brandon's apartment in the evening.

"So, I did some job research yesterday, and I found some jobs, but they don't pay a lot." Brandon said.

"Ugh, this is so stressful..." Adam complained.

"Man, if only we were allowed to work at Pizza Palace, they pay each staff 100 diamonds each shift🤧" Zed sighed.

"This is all Zed's fault..." Ashe groaned.

Zed pouted😠.

Demetrius was searching through Roogle for some jobs that pay a lot and found a job.

"Whoa! This one pays a lot!" Demetrius exclaimed.

"WHAT JOB IS IT?!" Ashe asked.

"Greasy Burger..." Demetrius muttered.

"G-greasy Burger?!" Adam said confused "I heard they have the most greasiest and worst burgers in all of Diamond Beach!!"

"Yeah, but a lot of people visit everyday and they also have many deliveries aswell." Demetrius explained "They give out 10k diamonds each shift!"

"We should give it a shot...we need money to buy our needs aswell." Brandon agreed.

"Alright, let's do this. We need to fill in our résumés and prepare for an interview I guess." Ashe said.

Adam wanted to whine because he doesn't was his armpits to get even more greasy than before but he didn't.

The job at Greasy Burger is about to start

Royale High Butlers got FIRED so they work at Greasy BurgerWhere stories live. Discover now