Darkness Makes The Stars Shine The Brightest

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You were that girl-fall-to-middle-earth scenario.

Yeah, no kidding.

You made your only wish, said in vain, to be thrown into any other world but the one you lived in, and guess what, unlike the classic Aladdin story, you only got one wish.

Should've gone with a billion dollar instead, to be honest.

So here you were, finding yourself shoved into the recent world you wished to be in, and that is the last movie you binge watched the other weekend.

Thank you, Tolkien.

Just to clarify, that was a fucking sarcasm.

Sure, at the beginning you find yourself excited, thinking you were in some kind of a trippy mushroom, but when you saw the orcs for the first time, and the fact that you had to resort to eating worms off of the earth to prevent death of starvation, then you realized how fucked up you actually were.

That was eight months ago before you met Gandalf (yes, that one) who rescued you and took you to Rivendell under Lord Elrond's care. There was a time in your previous life when you would imagine how cool and how special you would feel had magic was real and that some cosmic power out there would choose you to become that god-sent, savior of Middle Earth.

Also, you'd thought that you would love the elves. But face it, it's great to know a celebrity from afar but to stand next to them, live among them every other day? Let alone a whole superior race of them? You'd soon feel alienated–not that being the only asian throughout the whole place didn't make you stick out like a sore thumb already.

They were beautiful, graceful–flawless. They were super kind, and merciful, and empathic, and they have super sight and hearing. That last bits were surprisingly hard to live with. You felt no privacy whatsoever, knowing even behind a wall, an elf could hear your bed creak as you toss and turn all night.

Thus, despite the courtesy you still show the elves for saving you, you began to resent them. All of them, including Legolas.

Especially Legolas.

As you follow the fellowship into their journey (courtesy to Lord Elrond's 'begging' after finding out that you had the foresight of the whole event), you kept your distance with everyone. You did try to build a rapport, but never added a personal touch, never let yourself being attached, always guarded. As for the elf prince, you find it hard to keep his gaze for long, feeling as if those eyes were always staring into your very soul–not in a romantic way, but in a creepy I-know-what-you-did-in-the-dark kind of way.

The more you be with the fellowship, the more you feel isolated. And being in Lothlorien, among the elves in the territory of a powerful mind reader such as Galadriel was quick to turn you from being reserved & homesick into full blown depressed and detached.

One night as you sat a distance away from the pavilion as you recorded everything that you felt in your binder that you had with you the moment you were thrown to this world, you realized that there was only three pages left to the book. You immediately stopped writing, needing to save the space. You looked at your pencil, now was but the length of your pinkie finger.

Homesickness and regret seeped into you. Your eyes watered, but you were quick to put a lid to it. You snapped your leather binder close and pin the short pencil to it before choosing to look up at the foreign constellation above the sky.

After a long while, you realized that you saw something oddly familiar…

Your heart leaped as your feet were. A quiet gasp left your lips as you craned your neck to look up at a constellation that you ever only seen back on earth.

Legolas & You (Reader x Legolas Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now